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September 2001
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Coming Attractions

Happy birthday! Next month marks our fifty-third anniversary. Look who's coming to the party:

* Poul Anderson—he'll provide the musical accompaniment

* Ray Bradbury—he's bringing golf clubs.

* Neil Gaiman—maybe it's better if we don't tell you what he's bringing

* Jack O'Connell—a book is always a good gift

* Ian Watson—tickets for a wild trip out of our solar system

Don't miss this special issue!

And don't think the goodies stop after the anniversary issue. For December, it looks like we'll have a science fiction story by Walter Mosley and a new science fiction adventure by Robert Sheckley. Thomas M. Disch's "The Shadow" comes soon, as does Maureen F. McHugh's "Presence." Other stories in the works include a new Albert Cowdrey sf novella in the same world of "Mosh," new stories from Robert Reed and James Morrow, and lots lots more. Sign up now for a subscription so you'll be sure to get each new issue.

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