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December 2004
Current Issue • Departments • Bibliography

Coming Attractions

Next month we've got in store a challenging novella by an award-winning writer named John G. McDaid. If you think of "Keyboard Practice" as American Idol for classical pianists, you'll have just an inkling of what to expect from this up-tempo, stylistic, and innovative sf story.

We also expect to bring you back to ancient Babylon, courtesy of Esther M. Friesner. In "Last Man Standing," Ms. Friesner treats us to a comical look at the legend of Gilgamesh from a slightly skewed perspective.

Other stories coming your way soon include Alex Irvine's tale of turn-of-the-century New York, "The Lorelei," and an almost indescribable new fantasy by Bruce Sterling. The months ahead also promise to bring us new tales by M. Rickert, Matthew Hughes, and Paul Di Filippo, to name but a few. Go to our Website at or use the business reply card in this issue to subscribe now and you'll be certain not to miss any of the goodies ahead.

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