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October/November 2007
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Coming Attractions

YOU'RE PROBABLY READING this issue during the dog days of summer, but here at the Spilogale factory our workers are busily stocking up on fiction for the fall and winter.

In our December issue, we've got "Finisterra" lined up. Written by newcomer David Moles, this science fiction story is an ambitious and imaginative adventure that calls to mind the early works of Lucius Shepard.

We've also got penciled in for December Frederic S. Durbin's creepy story of a killer encountering small-town life in the Midwest in "The Bone Man." David Marusek and Michaela Roessner are also likely to have stories in the issue.

Among the other stories that the Spilogale factory is producing are new ones by John Kessel, Alex Irvine, and Kate Wilhelm, to name just three. Subscribe now and join us as we try to make the new year our best one yet.

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