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April 2008
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Coming Attractions

SPRING SHOULD BE here for good (in the Northern Hemisphere, that is) by the time next month's issue arrives—and with it will come a fantastic fantasy about death and renewal by Rachel Pollack. "Immortal Snake" depicts an unusual civilization where storytellers hold sway but the real power resides with a group of priests called Readers who track God's writing in the sky. This one's a tale that'll stay with you—you won't want to miss it.

We also expect to have another Robert Reed story next month, "Reunion," in which we'll meet a rather accomplished assemblage of alumni...along with the person who thinks she knows their secret.

Our inventory continues to grow, with new stories flowing in from the likes of Michael Blumlein, Charles Coleman Finlay, Marc Laidlaw, and Nancy Springer. Go to and subscribe to make sure you get to enjoy all the good fiction running through our pages.

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