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February 2009
Current Issue • Departments • Bibliography

Coming Attractions

The economy might be in upheaval, but interesting times make for interesting reading, and there's no shortage of good stories in our inventory.

On the fantasy side, we have Marc Laidlaw's "Quickstone" scheduled for next month. This novelette continues the story of bard Gorlen Vizenfirthe on his quest to restore his gargoyle hand to normal.

We also have a tale of elves and men in the works, compliments of Sean McMullen, and Yoon Ha Lee regales us with a story of wizards and war in "The Bones of Giants."

Meanwhile, on the science fiction side, we'll have a new space adventure novella by Albert Cowdrey for you in a few months, while Wayne Wightman will bring us a chilling look at evolution in action in "Adaptogenia" and Rand B. Lee ventures into near-future India with "Three Leaves of Aloe."

With all these stories and lots more in the works, it makes sense to subscribe now. And with the economy putting pressure on us, we're going to raise our subscription rates soon, so now is a particularly good time to extend your subscription. Use the renewal card in this issue or surf over to and sign up now so you won't miss an issue!

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