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November/December 2011
Current Issue • Departments • Bibliography

Coming Attractions

OUR COVER STORY in the Jan/Feb issue will be "Umbrella Men," an urban fantasy of a different sort, compliments of John G. McDaid.

We've also got on tap two war stories by two of our most popular new contributors. In "Maxwell's Demon," Ken Liu gives us a story of World War II from an uncommon perspective, while Michael Alexander's "In the Trenches" goes back to World War I to tell the tale of a soldier who encounters something unexpected.

We've also got science fiction ahead by Michael Blumlein, C. S. Friedman, Alexander Jablokov, Robert Reed, and K. D. Wentworth, accompanied by fantasy from Dale Bailey, Ron Goulart, Felicity Shoulders, and lots more. Give yourself or a loved one a subscription to F&SF this year and enjoy great stories throughout 2012.

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