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May/June 2014
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Coming Attractions

JOHNNY CARSON used to turn over the Tonight Show desk to folks like Joan Rivers and David Brenner. John Oliver filled in for Jon Stewart on The Daily Show recently.

Here at F&SF, we're going to try something similar. For our next issue, Gordon Van Gelder has cleared his stuff off the editor's desk and turned it over to C. C. Finlay.

After doing what we'd all do—root through the drawers and spin a few revolutions in the seat—Mr. Finlay has gone and acquitted himself wonderfully first time out. Our next issue includes stories by Charlie Jane Anders, Alaya Dawn Johnson, and Ian Tregillis. The stories feature superheroes and aliens, demons and dragons, and a whole lot more. Send in the card in this issue or send your browser to and subscribe now so you'll be certain to get our next exciting issue and all the ones that follow!

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