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Author  Story Title  Issue Date  Type  Comments
Sheffield, Charles  Devil of Malkirk, The  1982 JUN  na  1st & only story in F&SF in Erasmus Darwin ser.; with a novella in FAN 1978 JUL, & 1 original, make up coll. Erasmus Magister(1982); exp. coll. The Amazing Dr. Darwin(2002), incl. 6 stories in ser.; both have appendix "Erasmus Darwin: Fact and Fiction"
   Rogueworld  1983 MAY  nv  1st & only story in F&SF in Arthur McAndrew ser.; other stories in ser. in GAL 1978 MAR, & in ANA 1980 OCT, 1981 FEB 2, 1982 SEP, & 1992 JUN; ser. coll. in The McAndrew Chronicles(1983; exp. novel/coll. as One Man's Universe, 1993)
Shepard, Lucius  Man Who Painted the Dragon Griaule, The  1984 DEC  nv  1st & only story in F&SF in his Dragon Griaule series; N-1984 NEB; 1985 HUG, LOC, SFC, novelette; WFA, novella; BSF, short fiction; other stories in series in ASI 1988 SEP, & 1989 SEP
Shirley, John  Quill Tripstickler Eludes a Bride  1980 MAY  ss  1st story in F&SF in Galactic Tourist Agent Quill Tripstickler & his robot servant Fives series; other stories in series in Eternity #2 1980, & in ASI 1982 mDEC
   Quill Tripstickler Out the Window  1981 NOV  nv  2nd & last story in F&SF in Quill Tripstickler series
Silverberg, Robert  Lord Valentine's Castle  1979-80 NOV-FEB  no  1st story in F&SF in his planet Majipoor series; W-1981 LOC; N-1981 HUG, BRG, novel
   Desert of Stolen Dreams, The  1981 JUN  na  2nd story in F&SF in Majipoor series; N-1982 LOC, novella
   In the Fifth Year of the Voyage  1981 DEC  nv  3rd & last story in F&SF in Majipoor series; this story & others in series coll. in Majipoor Chronicles(1982)
   Tales From the Venia Woods  1989 OCT  ss  1st story in F&SF in Roma Eterna ser.; other stories in ser. "To the Promised Land"(Omni 1989 MAY), "An Outpost of the Empire"(ASI 1991 NOV), "Via Roma"(ASI 1994 APR), "Waiting for the End"(ASI 1998 OCT/NOV), "The Second Wave"(ASI 2002 AUG)
   Hero of the Empire, A  1999 OCT/NOV  nv  2nd story in F&SF in Roma Eterna ser.; N-2000 LOC; stories in ser. "Getting to Know the Dragon" in Silverberg(ed): Far Horizons(1999), "With Caesar in the Underworld"(ASI 2002 OCT/NOV), "The Reign of Terror"(ASI 2003 APR); to be coll. in Roma Eterna(2003)
Sladek, John  Sublimation World by J. G. B.******, The  1968 JUL  spf  1st story in his parody series, this one a parody of J.G. Ballard
   Engineer to the Gods by R*b*rt H**nl**n  1972 AUG  spf  2nd story in his parody series, this one a parody of Robert Heinlein
   Broot Force by *s**c *s*m*v  1972 SEP  spf  3rd story in his parody series, this one a parody of Isaac Asimov & his Three Laws of Robish(Robotics)
   Joy Ride by R*y Br*db*ry  1972 NOV  spf  4th story in his parody series, this one a parody of Ray Bradbury
   Ralph 4F by H*g* G*rnsb*ck, 1911 Winner of the H*g* Award  1973 JAN  spf  5th story in his parody series, this one a parody of Hugo Gernsback
   Solar Shoe-Salesman by Ph*l*p K. D*ck  1973 MAR  spf  6th story in his parody series, this one a parody of Philip K. Dick
Smeds, Dave  Marathon Runner in the Human Race, A  1994 MAR  ss  1st & only story in F&SF in Nanodocs series; other stories in series in ASI 1992 AUG, & Aronica, etal(ed): Full Spectrum 4(1993)
Smith, Cordwainer  Alpha Ralpha Boulevard  1961 JUN  nv  1st & only story in F&SF in Instrumentality of Mankind series; ps. for Paul Myron Anthony Linebarger
Smith, Dean Wesley  Jukebox Gifts  1994 JAN  ss  1st & only story in F&SF in Jukebox series, about a jukebox & its music that has time-travel powers; N-1994 NEB; 1995 HUG, LOC, short story; other stories in series in Night Cry 1987 FLL, & Resnick & Greenberg(ed): By Any Other Fame(1993)
Somers, Jonathan Swift III (Philip José Farmer)  Scarletin Study, A  1975 MAR  nv  2nd in Farmer's Pseudonym series, & the 1st story of 2 in his Ralph Von Wow Wow series under this pseudonym
   Doge Whose Barque Was Worse Than His Bight, The  1976 NOV  nv  2nd in Farmer's Pseudonym series, & the 2nd story of 2 in his Ralph Von Wow Wow series under this pseudonym
   Scarletin Study, A  1975 MAR  nv  1st story of 2 in Ralph Von Wau Wau series, about a private detective, Ralph Von Wau Wau, who is a German Shepherd with an IQ of 200; see letters column in 1975 SEP for letter from "Somers"
   Doge Whose Barque Was Worse Than His Bight, The  1976 NOV  nv  2nd story of 2 in Ralph Von Wau Wau series
Springer, Nancy  Amends: Tale of the Sun Kings, A  1983 MAY  ss  1st & only story in F&SF in Suns series; others in series are novels in The Book of Suns seq., The Book of Suns(1977; rev. vt The Silver Sun, 1980), The White Hart(1979), The Sable Moon(1981)
Sterling, Bruce  Hollywood Kremlin  1990 OCT  nv  1st story in Leggy Starlitz series
   Littlest Jackal, The  1996 MAR  na  2nd story in F&SF in Leggy Starlitz series; N-1997 HUG, LOC, novella
   Swarm  1982 APR  nv  1st story in F&SF in Mechanist/Shapers series; N-1982 NEB; 1983 HUG, LOC, novelette
   Spider Rose  1982 AUG  ss  2nd & last story in F&SF in Mechanist/Shapers series; other stories in series in Terry Carr(ed): Universe 13(1983), INZ 1984 SPR, Omni 1984 JUN, & novel Schisamatrix(1985); all coll. in omnibus Schisamatrix Plus(1996)
Sturgeon, Theodore  Hurkle Is a Happy Beast, The  1949 FLL  ss  unofficial editor's series; 1st story in the Bureau of Imaginary Zoology series (the hurkle)
Sturgis, Colin  Conversion Factor  1957 NOV  ss  1st story Cameron series; collab. ps. for Lester Cole & Melvin Sturgis
   24,000-Mile Field Goal, The  1958 JAN  ss  2nd story Cameron series
Swann, Thomas Burnett  Manor of Roses, The  1966 NOV  na  1st story John & Stephen series; N-1967 HUG
   Stalking Trees, The  1973 JAN  na  2nd & last story in John & Stephen series
   Love Is a Dragonfly  1972 MAR  na  1st & only story in F&SF in his Mellonia the Dryad series; shares the same heroine, Mellonia, as story "Where Is the Bird of Fire" in SCF #52 1962
Tall, Stephen  Bear With the Knot on His Tail, The  1971 MAY  nv  1st story in F&SF in his research starship Stardust series; N-1972 HUG; other stories in series in WOT 1966 NOV, GAL 1971 NOV, IFS 1972 SEP/OCT, & 1973 JUL/AUG
   Mushroom World  1974 NOV  na  2nd story in F&SF in his Stardust series; series coll. in The Stardust Voyages(1975)
   Merry Men of Methane, The  1980 MAY  nv  3rd & last story in F&SF in Stardust series, the explorations of the Earth's first starship
Tem, Steve Rasnic  Halloween Street  1999 JUL  ss  1st story in Halloween Street series; N-1999 STO, short fiction
   Tricks & Treats: One Night on Halloween Street  1999 DEC  ss  2nd story in Halloween Street series
Tepper, Sheri S.  Gazebo, The  1990 OCT  ss  1st story in Crazy Carol series
   Raccoon Music  1991 FEB  ss  2nd story in Crazy Carol Magusen series
   Gourmet, The  1991 OCT/NOV  ss  3rd & last story in Crazy Carol Magusen series
Tiptree, James Jr  Only Neat Thing to Do, The  1985 OCT  na  1st story in F&SF in Great North Rift ser.; W-1986 LOC, SFC; N-1985 NEB; 1986 HUG; another story in ser. in ASI 1986 MAY; ser. to be coll. in The Starry Rift(1986); Tiptree a ps. for Alice Sheldon
   Good Night, Sweethearts  1986 MAR  nv  2nd & last story in F&SF in Great North Rift series; N-1987 LOC, novella; series coll. in The Starry Rift(1986)
   Boy Who Waterskied to Forever, The  1982 OCT  ss  1st story in F&SF in Quintana Roo series; one other story series, "Lirios: A Tale of the Quintana Roo"(aka "What Came Ashore at Lirios") in ASI 1981 SEP 28; series coll. in Tales of the Quintana Roo(1986)
   Note About the Mayas of the Quintana Roo, A  1982 OCT  misc  non-fiction piece describing the land & the Mayan people of the "'wild' Easternmost shore of the Yucatan Peninsula," the region known as the Quintana Roo; this nf piece becomes the preface in her coll. Tales of the Quintana Roo(1986)
   Beyond the Dead Reef  1983 JAN  ss  2nd & last story in F&SF in Quintana Roo series; W-1984 LOC, short story
Trout, Kilgore (Philip José Farmer)  Venus on the Half-Shell  1974 DEC- 1975 JAN  no  1st in Farmer's Pseudonym series; this ps. is Kilgore Trout, a fictional author created by Kurt Vonnegut Jr in his novels God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater(1965), & Breakfast of Champions(1973); Farmer's use of Trout name caused a row with Vonnegut
Tucker, Wilson  Fan, The: Myth and Reality  1964 FEB  ar  1st article of three in a series about the current sf fan scene, this one on fandom organization; Tucker normally writes as a fan under the byline Bob Tucker
Turtledove, Harry  Mebodes' Fly  1992 JUL  ss  1st & only story in Clever Rolf the scribe series; one other story in series, "Blue Fox and Werewolf" as by Eric G. Iverson, in AMZ 1983 SEP

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