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August/September 2009
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Coming Attractions

NEXT MONTH MARKS our sixtieth anniversary, our diamond jubilee, the big six-oh. How will we celebrate it? Why, how good of you to ask!

We'll have new stories by Carol Emshwiller, Ron Goulart, Joe Haldeman, and Kate Wilhelm. New novelets by Elizabeth Hand, Charles Oberndorf, M. Rickert, and Robert Silverberg. We'll have a new novella by Lucius Shepard. We'll have columns and cartoons and a David Hardy cover and a few surprises....

In short, we plan to bring you a whopping big issue packed with everything that makes F&SF the magazine it is (and has been since 1949). Subscribe now and you'll get this big anniversary issue—and we've got lots of great stories lined up for the subsequent issues, too!

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