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November/December 2017
Current Issue • Departments • Bibliography

Coming Attractions

We hope you enjoyed Nick Wolven's story "Carbo" in this issue because he returns with next month's cover story, "Galatea in Utopia," which considers gender in a world of extreme body modification. He'll be joined by Lisa Mason, who introduces us to "Aurelia" in a new dark fantasy set in San Francisco. Mary Robinette Kowal appears in our pages again, this time with "A Feather in Her Cap," an unusual adventure that mixes millinery and assassins. And Dale Bailey sends you a gilded invitation to attend "The Donner Party," a story about status and ambition. Bring your appetite.

But that only scratches the surface. In the months ahead, we'll also be presenting you with new fantasy by Charlotte Ashley, who continues the escapades of the fairy duelist La Héron, and Matthew Hughes, with more of the exploits of wizard's henchman Baldemar, along with science fiction in translation by the award-winning Chinese author and editor Chi Hui. There will be names you recognize and love, alongside brand new writers we think you'll be eager to read. Plus all of our regular columns and features. Renew your subscription now, and don't miss a single issue.

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