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January/February 2020
Current Issue • Departments • Bibliography

Coming Attractions

Ian Tregillis's critically acclaimed Alchemy War series, beginning with The Mechanical (Orbit Books, 2015), postulated an alternate history where clockwork robots were animated with alchemical powers. In our next issue, we'll have "Come the Revolution," a compelling standalone novella set in the same world.

We'll also have a generous serving of novelets. Elizabeth Bear offers up "Hacksilver," a Norse-flavored adventure. Dare Segun Falowo returns with "Kikelomo Ultrasheen," a fantasy partly about hairstyles set in contemporary Lagos. Matthew Hughes presents us with "The Last Legend," a new Dying World story. Brian Trent takes us for a breathtaking ride to another planet with "Death on the Nefertem Express." And Rebecca Zahabi, who made her first appearance in these pages in our last issue, is back again already with another horror-tinged tale of "Birds Without Wings."

Our short stories will include work by James Patrick Kelly, who joins us with "The Man I Love," and the F&SF debut of SL Huang will introduce us to "The Million Mile Sniper." We're still working on a few surprises as well. As always, it's a great time to check your subscription and make sure it's up to date so you don't miss a single thrilling tale.

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