Fantasy and Science Fiction - Competition
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May/June 2020
Book Reviews
Charles de Lint
Elizabeth Hand
Michelle West
James Sallis
Chris Moriarty
Plumage from Pegasus
Off On a Tangent: F&SF Style
Kathi Maio
David J. Skal
Lucius Shepard
Gregory Benford
Pat Murphy & Paul Doherty
Jerry Oltion
Coming Attractions
F&SF Bibliography: 1949-1999
Index of Title, Month and Page sorted by Author

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"Ignorance Is Bliss"

What happens when you take the title of a favorite science fiction or fantasy story, then willfully mash up the plot? You get these clever entries, that's what. Thanks to the entrants whose ignorance was blissful—and funny. And thanks to Melissa Lee Shaw and Peter Wainwright for their judging skills.

Original: Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne
Blissful ignorance: Who knew the Atlanteans had so many baseball teams?
—Patrick O'Connor
Chicago, Illinois
Original: From the Earth to the Moon by Jules Verne
Blissful ignorance: The adventures of Alice Kramden, the first woman to land on the moon.
—James Kajpust
Freeland, MI
Original: The Voyage of the Space Beagle by A. E. van Vogt
Blissful ignorance: On a dark and starry night, Snoopy revs up his doghouse to escape velocity in pursuit of his unyielding scarlet-hued adversary.
—Joel Schlosberg
Oakland Gardens, NY
Original: Watchmen by Alan Moore
Blissful ignorance: This gripping docudrama tells the secret history of Hans Wilsdorf and Alfred Davis, the founders of Rolex, and the rise of their timepiece empire.
—Jae Brim
San Francisco, CA
Original: "To Serve Man" by Damon Knight
Blissful ignorance: A correct translation of the guidebook of visiting aliens reveals that their covert plan for Earth is less benevolent than the manual's title suggests: a loser-gets-eaten men's tennis championship.
—Joel Schlosberg
Oakland Gardens, NY





In fifty words or less, describe your favorite science fiction or fantasy story from print or screen and use plenty o' puns.


"The Cold Equations" by Tom Godwin
A spaceship stowaway learns she must throw herself out of an airlock as her body weight would cause the ship to crash. Even though the science is hard to swallow, it's one heavy story that's food for thought.

You have six entries to make us laugh and groan at the same time. As Yoda would say, "Include your mailing address, you must."


Send entries to Competition Editor, F&SF, 240 West 73rd St. #1201, New York, NY 10023-2794, or email entries to to Be sure to include your contact information. Entries must be received by July 16, 2020. Judges are the editors of F&SF, and their decision is final. All entries become the property of F&SF.

First prize will receive The Annotated American Gods by Neil Gaiman, annotated by Leslie Klinger (courtesy of HarperCollins Publishers). Second prize will receive advance reading copies of three forthcoming novels. Any Honorable Mentions will receive one-year subscriptions to F&SF. Results of Competition #99 will appear in the November/December 2020 issue.


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