No. |
Author |
Issue Date |
Comments |
1 |
Jeter, Fritz |
1963 AUG |
Norwalk, CA; praise |
2 |
Blish, James |
1963 AUG |
the term "Science Fantasy" |
3 |
Wright, Ross |
1963 AUG |
Berkeley, CA; love |
4 |
Simonds, Alan |
1963 AUG |
Alexandria, VA; editorial subjects, sf & f not politics |
5 |
Sneary, Rick |
1963 AUG |
South Gate, CA; Zangwill's "Satan Mekatrig" in 1963 FEB, mixed feelings |
6 |
Gygax, E. Gary |
1963 AUG |
Chicago, IL; disappointed by editor Avram Davidson, will not renew subscription |
7 |
Lorenz, Mrs. John L. |
1963 AUG |
Manchester, MA; praise |
8 |
Burgess, Fred |
1963 AUG |
Franklinville, NC; Davidson's editorial in 1963 MAR, praise |
9 |
Coleman, R.D. |
1963 AUG |
China Lake, CA; tired of sf stories that "cry doom" |
10 |
Hamilton, G.S. Jr |
1963 AUG |
Seaside, CA; tired of stories "heavy with'style' but weakly plotted" |
11 |
Bendeau, B. |
1963 NOV |
Cleveland, OH; Heinlein's "Glory Road" in 1963 JUL-SEP, praise |
12 |
Fuller, Andrea |
1963 NOV |
San Jose, CA; Heinlein's "Glory Road" in 1963 JUL-SEP, in "bad taste" |
13 |
Sheehan, Robert D. |
1963 NOV |
Brooklyn, NY; on Davidson's intro to Paul Jay Robbins' "Sweets to the Sweet" in 1963 AUG, praise |
14 |
Husock, Howard |
1963 NOV |
South Euclid, OH; bring back your editorials |
15 |
Lorenz, Mrs. John |
1963 NOV |
Manchester, MA; letters column should more of a forum, rather than comment on the stories |
16 |
Parkinson, Terry |
1963 NOV |
Columbus, OH; more comments on stories |
17 |
Hill, A.J. |
1963 NOV |
Wyomissing, PA; Ray Nelson's "Turn Off the Sky" in 1963 AUG, "atrocious" |
18 |
Scott, David |
1963 NOV |
Chicago, IL; Ray Nelson's "Turn Off the Sky" in 1963 AUG, praise |
19 |
Leonard, Thomas P. |
1964 FEB |
Kinross, MI.; 1963 SEP issue, errors & praise |
20 |
Wade, James |
1964 FEB |
Seoul, Korea; more reprints of traditional fantasy |
21 |
Allen, Mrs. Virginia M. |
1964 FEB |
Detroit, MI.; support for Heinlein's "Glory Road" in 1963 JUL-SEP, against letter #12 by Fuller |
22 |
Paskow, David Charles |
1964 FEB |
Philadelphia, PA; despise the cut versions of serials in F&SF, espec. Heinlein's "Glory Road" in 1963 JUL-SEP; long reply by Davidson about the need for cut versions to fit in magazines |
23 |
Davidson, Avram |
1964 FEB |
reply to Paskow letter(#22), that complete novels "won't always fit into a magazine"; talks in particular about Heinlein's Glory Road, & Knight's Tree of Time |
24 |
Ley, Willy |
1964 FEB |
correction to note on p.23 of 1963 OCT issue, about his books Watchers of the Skies, & Beyond the Solar System |
25 |
Harwood, James V. |
1964 MAY |
Patrick AFB, FL; errors in Robert F. Young's "The Eternal Lovers" in 1963 DEC |
26 |
Frederick, Don |
1964 MAY |
New York; Hannes Bok cover art, 1963 NOV, praise |
27 |
Robles, Mrs. Thomas G. |
1964 MAY |
Chimbote, Peru; displeasure at "non-books, non-paintings, non-stories", will no longer subscribe |
28 |
Danner, Bill |
1964 MAY |
Kennerdell, PA; Avram Davidson's "What Strange Stars and Skies" in 1963 DEC, praise; note from Davidson's describing "snazzy certificate" sent with letter |
29 |
von Toal, Prof. Paul |
1964 MAY |
Thiel College, Greenville, PA; praise for Zenna Henderson in 1963 OCT, Philip Winsor, Roger Zelazny in 1963 NOV, & Damon Knight in 1963 DEC-JAN |
30 |
Kujawa, Betty |
1964 MAY |
South Bend, IN; praise for fringe books in book reviews |
31 |
Squires, Conrad |
1964 MAY |
Brooklyn, NY; what Zenna Henderson's The People feel |
32 |
Olsen, Robert |
1964 MAY |
33 |
Poynter, W.F. |
1964 NOV |
San Francisco, CA; doesn't like "trend toward sadism & the preoccupation with horror ... wish (Davidson) would restudy the works published during the tenure of Anthony Boucher." |
34 |
Anigstein, R. |
1964 NOV |
New York City, NY; "Gahan Wilson ... excellent replacement for Feghoot. ... (Davidson has) substituted an amusing, tongue-in-cheek presentation of sex for the morbid & sadistic stories in some recent issues." |
35 |
Boucher, Anthony |
1964 NOV |
Berkeley, CA; there was a Wizard of Mauritius, name of Bottineau(in regards to Avram Davidson's editorial in 1964 JUN) |
36 |
Taylor, M.M. |
1964 NOV |
Toronto, Ontario, Canada; a set of papers about the Wizard was pub. in The Nautical Magazine, in 1934(in regards to Avram Davidson's editorial in 1964 JUN) |
37 |
Mason, Chandler L. ("Doc Channem") |
1964 NOV |
South River, NJ; Wizard mentioned in R.T. Gould: A Book of Marvels(1937), & 2 earlier books, Oddities, & Enigmas(in regards to Avram Davidson's editorial in 1964 JUN); a note from A.D. |
38 |
Blabon, Diana M. |
1964 NOV |
Palm Beach, FL; found a copy of a 1960 issue of F&SF "at the Oasis of Sebha, deep in the heart of the Libyan Sahara" |
39 |
Blish, James |
1964 NOV |
New York City, NY; a question about the author of an opera on Faust, mentioned in Avram Davidson's intro to Roger Zelazny's "The Salvation of Faust" in 1964 JUL; short reply from A.D. |
40 |
Edson, Viki |
1964 NOV |
Livermore, CA; praise for C.S. Lewis's poem "The End of the Wine" in 1964 JUL |
41 |
Egan, John |
1964 NOV |
Houston, TX; differences between J.G. Ballard's "The Illuminated Man" in 1964 MAY & that in the French edition, "a French writer must work hard to put pathos into his story"; short reply by A.D. |
42 |
Gurley, Jack |
1964 NOV |
Memphis, TN; "Euthenics is the inspiring word of today & tomorrow"; reply by A.D. |
43 |
Van den Broek, Willem |
1968 MAY |
Ann Arbor, MI; comments on Judith Merril's book review in 1967 SEP; reviews Damon Knight's book In Search of Wonder, & Kenneth Kenniston's book The Uncommitted |
44 |
Raimondo, Dennis |
1968 MAY |
Yorktown, NY; comments on "Teeny-Bopper Science Fiction" in Judith Merril's book review in 1968 FEB |
45 |
Contoski, Victor |
1968 SEP |
Madison, WI; need for an anthology of sf poetry; gives the examples from W.S. Merwin: "Fog-Horn", & David Ignatow: "News Report" |
46 |
Malzberg, Barry N. |
1971 AUG |
letter in response to Joanna Russ book review in 1971 APR, says she has gone beyond criticism to "mischief-making" |
47 |
Harrison, Harry |
1972 AUG |
there were many errors in Alexei & Cory Panshin's book review, in 1972 MAR, of anthologies edited by Harrison(Best SF: 1970, w. Brian W. Aldiss, & SF: Author's Choice 3) |
48 |
Panshin, Alexei |
1972 AUG |
in response to Harry Harrison's criticism of his 1972 MAR book review(with his wife Cory Panshin) |
49 |
Aldiss, Brian W. |
1975 JAN |
criticizes Alexei & Cory Panshin book review, in 1974 MAR, of his book Billion Year Spree |
50 |
Hirsch, Roland |
1975 JAN |
supports the Panshins' book review comments, in 1974 MAR, "regarding the misnamed John W. Campbell Memorial Award |
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