Fantasy & Science Fiction

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No.  Issue Date  Person  Story Title  Award Type  Comments
1  1965 JUL  Davidson, Avram  Rogue Dragon  nomination no 
2  1965 SEP  Aldiss, Brian W.  Saliva Tree, The  award na 
3  1965 JUL  Davidson, Avram  Rogue Dragon  nomination na 
4  1965 MAR  Zelazny, Roger  Doors of His Face, the Lamps of His Mouth, The  award nv 
5  1965 MAY  Kagan, Norman  Earth Merchants, The  nomination nv 
6  1965 JAN  Leiber, Fritz  Four Ghosts in Hamlet  nomination nv 
7  1965 MAR  Schutz, J.W.  Maiden Voyage  nomination nv  Joseph Willard Schutz, his 1st pub. story
8  1965 AUG  Tenn, William  Masculinist Revolt, The  nomination nv 
9  1965 APR  Asimov, Isaac  Eyes Do More Than See  nomination ss 
      Beauclerk, Jane  Lord Moon  nomination ss  ps. for M(ary) J(ane) Engh
11  1965 MAR  Carter, Lin  Uncollected Works  nomination ss 
12  1965 NOV  Christopher, John  Few Kindred Spirits, A  nomination ss  ps. for Christopher Youd
13  1965 JAN  Davidson, Avram  House the Blakeneys Built, The  nomination ss 
14  1965 NOV  Disch, Thomas M.  Come to Venus Melancholy  nomination ss 
15  1965 MAR  Kirs, Alex  Better Than Ever  nomination ss 
16  1965 JUL  Niven, Larry  Becalmed in Hell  nomination ss 
17  1965 APR  Rohrer, Robert  Keep Them Happy  nomination ss 
18  1965 NOV  McCombs, Larry & Ted White  Peacock King, The  nomination ss 
19  1965 JUL  Wilson, Richard  Eight Billion, The  nomination ss 
20  1959 APR  Keyes, Daniel  Flowers for Algernon  award no  1st appeared as a novelette in 1959 in F&SF, was exp. into a novel in 1966, which then won a Nebula
21  1957 JUN  Farmer, Philip José  Night of Light, The  nomination no  1st appeared as a novella in F&SF 1957 JUN, was exp. into a novel in 1966, Night of Light, which then was a Nebula nominee
22  1965 OCT-NOV  Zelazny, Roger  ... And Call Me Conrad  nomination no  was expanded slightly in 1966 & titled This Immortal
23  1966 AUG-SEP  Brunner, John  Productions of Time, The  nomination no  two-part serial novella in F&SF, expanded into a novel in 1967
24  1966 JAN  Green, Robert M.  Apology to Inky  nomination nv 
25  1966 JUN  Zelazny, Roger  This Moment of the Storm  nomination nv 
26  1966 JUL  Marshall, Ardrey  Brain Bank  nomination nv 
      Vance, Jack  Manse of Iucounu, The  nomination nv 
      Bloch, Robert  Plot Is the Thing, The  nomination ss 
29  1966 JUN  Buck, Doris Pitkin  Little Blue Weeds of Spring, The  nomination ss 
30  1966 APR  Dick, Philip K.  We Can Remember It For You Wholesale  nomination ss  novelette in F&SF
      Niven, Larry  Bordered in Black  nomination ss  Tales of Known Space series
32  1966 JUL  Spinrad, Norman  Age of Invention  nomination ss 
33  1967 APR  Zelazny, Roger  Dawn  nomination no  1st part of his novel Lord of Light(1967), which was nominated for a Nebula Award; a 2nd part, also a novelet, pub. in 1967 JUN(#2488)
34  1967 AUG  Bretnor, Reginald  Earthwoman  nomination ss 
35  1967 JUL  Laumer, Keith  Day Before Forever, The  nomination na 
36  1968 MAY  Delany, Samuel R.  Lines of Power  nomination na 
37  1968 NOV  Laumer, Keith  Once There Was a Giant  nomination nv 
38  1968 APR  O'Donnell, K.M.  Final War  nomination nv  ps. for Barry N. Malzberg
39  1969 JUL  Leiber, Fritz  Ship of Shadows  nomination na 
40  1969 APR  Benford, Gregory  Deeper Than the Darkness  nomination nv 
      Niven, Larry  Not Long Before the End  nomination ss 
42  1969 OCT  Sturgeon, Theodore  Man Who Learned Loving, The  nomination ss 
43  1970 FEB  Russ, Joanna  Initiation  nomination no  an excerpt from her upcoming novel, And Chaos Died(1970), which was nominated for a Nebula
44  1970 APR  Leiber, Fritz  Ill Met in Lankhmar  award na 
45  1970 MAR  Anderson, Poul  Fatal Fulfillment, The  nomination na 
46  1971 APR  Anderson, Poul  Queen of Air and Darkness, The  award nv 
47  1971 JAN  Zebrowski, George  Heathen God  nomination ss 
48  1972 JUN  Gotlieb, Phyllis  Son of the Morning  nomination na 
49  1972 FEB  Anderson, Poul  Goat Song  award nv 
50  1972 OCT  Bester, Alfred  Animal Fair, The  nomination nv 

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