Person |
Story Title |
Issue Date |
Award Type |
Comments |
Aldiss, Brian W. |
Saliva Tree, The |
1965 SEP |
award na |
Aldridge, Ray |
Gate of Faces |
1991 APR |
nomination nv |
Fabularium, The |
1991 DEC |
nomination ss |
Anderson, Poul |
Fatal Fulfillment, The |
1970 MAR |
nomination na |
Queen of Air and Darkness, The |
1971 APR |
award nv |
Goat Song |
1972 FEB |
award nv |
Asimov, Isaac |
Eyes Do More Than See |
1965 APR |
nomination ss |
Bailey, Dale |
Resurrection Man's Legacy, The |
1995 JUL |
nomination nv |
Ballard, J.G. |
Myths of the Near Future |
1982 OCT |
nomination nv |
James Graham Ballard |
Beauclerk, Jane |
Lord Moon |
1965 APR |
nomination ss |
ps. for M(ary) J(ane) Engh |
Benford, Gregory |
Deeper Than the Darkness |
1969 APR |
nomination nv |
Icarus Descending |
1973 APR |
nomination no |
was part of fixup novel, In the Ocean of Night(1977), which was nominated for a Nebula |
Newton Sleep |
1986 JAN |
nomination na |
1st & only story in F&SF in Heroes in Hell series, 1 of 7 fantasy stories by 6 authors in anth. Janet Morris(ed): Heroes in Hell(1986) |
Bester, Alfred |
Animal Fair, The |
1972 OCT |
nomination nv |
Bishop, Michael |
White Otters of Childhood, The |
1973 JUL |
nomination na |
Samurai and the Willows, The |
1976 FEB |
nomination na |
Bisson, Terry |
macs |
1999 OCT/NOV |
award ss |
Bloch, Robert |
Plot Is the Thing, The |
1966 JUL |
nomination ss |
Bova, Ben |
Inspiration |
1994 APR |
nomination ss |
Bowes, Richard |
Huntsman Passing By, A |
1999 JUN |
nomination ss |
Brennert, Alan |
Ma Qui |
1991 FEB |
award ss |
Bretnor, Reginald |
Earthwoman |
1967 AUG |
nomination ss |
Brunner, John |
Productions of Time, The |
1966 AUG-SEP |
nomination no |
two-part serial novella in F&SF, expanded into a novel in 1967 |
Bryant, Edward |
Stone |
1978 FEB |
award ss |
Strata |
1980 AUG |
nomination nv |
Thermals of August, The |
1981 MAY |
nomination nv |
Buck, Doris Pitkin |
Little Blue Weeds of Spring, The |
1966 JUN |
nomination ss |
Budrys, Algis |
Hard Landing |
1992 OCT/NOV |
nomination no |
Cady, Jack |
Night We Buried Road Dog, The |
1993 JAN |
award na |
Card, Orson Scott |
Fringe, The |
1985 OCT |
nomination nv |
Lost Boys |
1989 OCT |
nomination ss |
Carter, Lin |
Uncollected Works |
1965 MAR |
nomination ss |
Cassutt, Michael |
Extraordinary Measures |
1991 JUL |
nomination ss |
Castro, Adam-Troy |
Funeral March of the Marionettes, The |
1997 JUL |
nomination na |
Cherryh, C.J. |
Cassandra |
1978 OCT |
nomination ss |
working name for Carolyn Janice Cherry |
Christopher, John |
Few Kindred Spirits, A |
1965 NOV |
nomination ss |
ps. for Christopher Youd |
Coney, Michael |
Die, Lorelei |
1993 MAY |
nomination nv |
Tea and Hamsters |
1995 JAN |
nomination nv |
2nd story in Foss Creek series, about a small off-planet human tourist village in the far future |
Bulldog Drummond and the Grim Reaper |
1996 JAN |
nomination nv |
3rd story in Foss Creek series |
Werewolves in Sheep's Clothing |
1996 SEP |
nomination nv |
4th & last story in Foss Creek series |
Connor, Mike |
Guide Dog |
1991 MAY |
award nv |
Cowper, Richard |
Custodians, The |
1975 OCT |
nomination nv |
ps. for John Middleton Murry Jr |
Piper at the Gates of Dawn |
1976 MAR |
nomination na |
Dann, Jack |
Camps |
1979 MAY |
nomination nv |
Dann, Jack & Jack C. Haldeman II |
High Steel |
1982 FEB |
nomination ss |
Davidson, Avram |
Rogue Dragon |
1965 JUL |
nomination no |
Rogue Dragon |
1965 JUL |
nomination na |
House the Blakeneys Built, The |
1965 JAN |
nomination ss |
Polly Charms, the Sleeping Woman |
1975 FEB |
nomination nv |
1st story in series & in F&SF in his Doctor Engelbert Eszterhazy series |
Dedman, Stephen |
Never Seen by Waking Eyes |
1996 AUG |
nomination nv |
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