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Person  Story Title  Issue Date  Award Type  Comments
Aandahl, Vance  Born From the Beast  1986 AUG  na  1987 LOC, novella
Aickman, Robert  Pages From a Young Girl's Journal  1973 FEB  nv  1975 WFA, short fiction
Aikin, Jim  My Life in the Jungle  1985 FEB  ss  1986 LOC, short story
   Dancing Among Ghosts  1988 FEB  na  1989 LOC, novella
Aldridge, Ray  Steel Dogs  1989 SEP  nv  1990 LOC, novelette
   Cold Cage, The  1990 FEB  ss  1991 LOC, short story
   Hyena Eyes  1990 JUN  nv  1991 LOC, novelette
   Gate of Faces  1991 APR  nv  1992 SFC, novelette
   Spine Divers, The  1995 JUN  na  1996 STU; 2nd & last story in F&SF in Dilvermoon series
Allen, Woody  Kugelmass Episode, The  1977 DEC  ss  1978 LOC, short fiction; 1st pub. in NYM 1977 MAY 2
Anderson, Poul  Fatal Fulfillment, The  1970 MAR  na  1971 LOC, short fiction; 1st story in the Afterlife of Bailey series, story is one of 5 stories by 5 authors that follow a common prologue by Keith Laumer, to be pub. in his book, Five Fates(1970; N-1971 LOC)
   Goat Song  1972 FEB  nv  1973 LOC, short fiction
Anthony, Piers  Sos the Rope  1968 JUL-SEP  no  Science Fiction Novel Award winner; a one-shot contest sponsored by F&SF, Pyramid Books & Kent Productions(announced in 1967 AUG, p.128)
Arnason, Eleanor  Actors, The: A Hwarhath Historical Romance  1999 DEC  na  2000 LOC, novella; 1st story in F&SF in Hwarhath series
Asimov, Isaac  — That Thou Art Mindful of Him!  1974 MAY  nv  1975 LOC, novelette; 2nd of 2 stories in F&SF in his Susan Calvin/robot series
Bacigalupi, Paolo  Pocketful of Dharma  1999 FEB  nv  2000 LOC, novelette; his 1st professional sale
Bailey, Dale  Quinn's Way  1997 FEB  nv  1998 LOC, novelette
Baker, Scott  Sea Change  1986 MAR  ss  1987 LOC, short story
Ballard, J.G.  Myths of the Near Future  1982 OCT  nv  1983 BSF, short fiction
   Myths of the Near Future  1982 OCT  nv  1983 LOC, novelette
   War Fever  1989 OCT  nv  1990 LOC, novelette
Bauman, Jill    1998 JUL  cover art  1998 CHS, Best Magazine Cover; depicts an sf/f/horror theater marquis for F&SF Goes to the Movies Special Issue
     1999 JUN  cover art  1999 CHS, Best Magazine Cover; illus. "The Secret History of the Ornithopter" by Jan Lars Jensen
Baxter, Stephen  Huddle  1999 MAY  nv  2000 LOC, novelette
Benford, Greg  Stand-In  1965 JUN  vi  Univac-Unicorn F&SF short story contest, 2nd prize
Benford, Gregory  Icarus Descending  1973 APR  ss  1978 LOC, novel; was part of a fixup novel In the Ocean of Night(1977; N-1977 NEB), which was nominated for a Locus award
   Snark in the Night, A  1977 AUG  na  1978 LOC, novella; 2nd & last story in F&SF in Nigel Warmsley series, & to be part of the fixup novel In the Ocean of Night(1977; N-1977 NEB; 1978 LOC)
   In Alien Flesh  1978 SEP  nv  1979 LOC, novelette
   To the Storming Gulf  1985 APR  na  1986 LOC, novella
   Newton Sleep  1986 JAN  nv  1987 LOC, novella; 1st & only story in F&SF from the anth. Janet Morris(ed): Heroes in Hell(1986)
   Mozart on Morphine  1989 OCT  ss  1990 LOC, short story
Benford, Gregory & Gordon Eklund  Anvil of Jove, The  1976 JUL  na  1977 LOC, novella; 1st story in F&SF in Bradley Reynolds series, to be part of fixup novel, If the Stars Are Gods(1977)
Bishop, Michael  White Otters of Childhood, The  1973 JUL  na  1974 LOC, novella
   Cathadonian Odyssey  1974 SEP  nv  1975 LOC, short story
   And the Marlin Spoke  1983 OCT  nv  1984 LOC, novelette
   With a Little Help From Her Friends  1984 FEB  nv  1985 LOC, novelette
   Icicle Music  1989 NOV  ss  1990 LOC, short story; 1st pub. in Kathryn Cramer & David G. Hartwell(ed): Spirits of Christmas(1989)
Bishop, Michael & Gerald W. Page  Murder on Lupozny Station  1981 APR  nv  1982 LOC, novelette
Bishop,Michael  Samurai and the Willows, The  1976 FEB  na  1977 LOC, novella; 1st & only story in F&SF in Urban Nucleus series, & becomes part of fixup novel Catacomb Years(1979)
Bisson, Terry  Smoother  1999 JAN  ss  2000 LOC, short story
   macs  1999 OCT/NOV  ss  2000 LOC, short story
Blish, James  Midsummer Century  1972 APR  na  1973 LOC, novella
Blumlein, Michael  Bestseller  1990 FEB  nv  1991 STO, novelette; 1st pub. in his coll. The Brains of Rats(1989)
Boucher, Anthony  Man's Reach  1972 NOV  nv  1973 LOC, short fiction; never before pub.
Bova, Ben  Inspiration  1994 APR  ss  1995 LOC, short story
Bowes, Richard  Streetcar Dreams  1997 APR  nv  1998 WFA, novella; 7th story in F&SF in Kevin Grierson series
Bradbury, Ray  Thing at the Top of the Stairs, The  1988 JUL  ss  1989 STO, short story; 1st pub. in his coll. The Toynbee Convector(1988; N-1989 STO, LOC)
Braunbeck, Gary A.  Small Song  1999 MAY  nv  1999 STO, long fiction; 1st pub. in his coll. Things Left Behind: A Story Cycle(1997; N-1998 STO)
Brennert, Alan  Ma Qui  1991 FEB  ss  1992 STU
   Echoes  1997 MAY  nv  1998 LOC, novelette

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