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Person  Story Title  Issue Date  Award Type  Comments
Brennert, Alan  Echoes  1997 MAY  nv  1998 STU
Bretnor, Reginald  Gilpin's Space  1983 FEB  na  1984 LOC, novella
Brin, David  Thor Meets Captain America  1986 JUL  nv  1987 LOC, novelette
   Privacy  1989 SEP  ss  1990 LOC, short story
   Dr. Pak's Preschool  1990 JUL  nv  1991 LOC, novelette; 1st pub. as a chapbook in 1989
Broxon, Mildred Downey  Walk the Ice  1981 JAN  ss  1982 LOC, short story
Bryant, Edward  Stone  1978 FEB  ss  1979 LOC, short story
   Strata  1980 AUG  nv  1981 LOC, novelette
   Thermals of August, The  1981 MAY  nv  1982 LOC, novelette
   Armageddon Between Sets  1984 SEP  ss  1985 LOC, short story
Budrys, Algis  Silent Eyes of Time, The  1975 NOV  na  1976 LOC, novella
   Michaelmas  1976 AUG-SEP  no  1977LOC, novel; 1st & only story in F&SF in Laurent Michaelmas series; novel pub. in book form in 1977
   Michaelmas  1976 AUG-SEP  no  1978 LOC, novel; 1st & only story in F&SF in Laurent Michaelmas series; novel to be pub. in book form in 1977
   What Befell Mairiam  1989 OCT  ss  1990 LOC, short story
   Hard Landing  1992 OCT/NOV  no  1994 LOC, novel
   Hard Landing  1992 OCT/NOV  no  1994 SFC, novel
Busby, F.M.  Getting Home  1974 APR  nv  1975 LOC, novelette
Cadigan, Pat  Second Comings—Reasonable Rates  1981 FEB  ss  1982 LOC, short story
   Coming of the Doll, The  1981 JUN  ss  1982 LOC, short story
   Another One Hits the Road  1984 JAN  nv  1985 LOC, novelette
   Two  1988 JAN  nv  1989 LOC, novelette
   True Faces  1992 APR  nv  1992 HOM, novelette
   True Faces  1992 APR  nv  1993 LOC, novelette
Cady, Jack  Night We Buried Road Dog, The  1993 JAN  na  1993 HOM, novella
   Night We Buried Road Dog, The  1993 JAN  na  1994 SFC, novella
   Night We Buried Road Dog, The  1993 JAN  na  1994 LOC, novella
   Night We Buried Road Dog, The  1993 JAN  na  1994 WFA, novella
   Kilroy Was Here  1996 JUL  na  1997 LOC, novella
   Kilroy Was Here  1996 JUL  nv  1997 STO, novelette
Card, Orson Scott  Fringe, The  1985 OCT  nv  1986 LOC, novelette
   Lost Boys  1989 OCT  ss  1990 LOC, short story
   Vessel  1999 DEC  nv  2000 LOC, novelette; 1st pub. in Catalan in Nexus, in Spanish in BEM, in 1998
Carr, Terry  Virra  1978 OCT  ss  1979 LOC, short story
Carroll, Jonathan  Friend's Best Man  1987 JAN  ss  1988 WFA, short fiction
   Friend's Best Man  1987 JAN  ss  1988 LOC, short story
   Uh-Oh City  1992 JUN  na  1993 LOC, novella
   Uh-Oh City  1992 JUN  na  1993 WFA, novella
   Fish in a Barrel  1999 OCT/NOV  ss  2000 LOC, short story
Carroll. Jonathan  Friend's Best Man  1987 JAN  ss  1988 STO, short story
Cassill, R.V.  War in the Air, The  1956 SEP  ss  O. Henry Prize Award story; reprint, 1st pub. in Epoch, in 1952; Ronald Verlin Cassill
Cassutt, Michael  Longer Voyage, The  1996 JUL  nv  1997 LOC, novelette
Castro, Adam-Troy  Locusts  1996 FEB  nv  1997 STO, novelette
   Neither Rain Nor Sleet  1996 AUG  ss  1997 STO, short story
   Funeral March of the Marionettes, The  1997 JUL  na  1998 LOC, novella
Cherryh, C.J.  Cassandra  1978 OCT  ss  1979 LOC, short story
Chesbro, George C.  Poems to Play in the Piccolo  1982 MAY  ss  1983 LOC, short story
Chilson, Rob  Hestwood, The  1999 APR  nv  1999 HOM, novelette; 2nd story in his Prime Mondeign series
Coney, Michael  Sophie's Spyglass  1993 FEB  ss  1994 AUR, short fiction
   Tea and Hamsters  1995 JAN  nv  1996 AUR, short fiction; 2nd story in Foss Creek series, about a small off-planet human tourist village in the far future
Conner, Mike  Five Mercies  1984 MAR  nv  1985 LOC, novelette

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