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Person  Story Title  Issue Date  Award Type  Comments
Kress, Nancy  Out of All Them Bright Stars  1985 MAR  ss  1986 LOC, short story
Kube-McDowell, Michael P.  When Winter Ends  1985 JUL  na  1986 LOC, novella
   Misbegotten  1989 DEC  nv  1990 LOC, novelette
Lafferty, R.A.  World Abounding  1971 DEC  ss  1972 LOC, short fiction
Laidlaw, Marc  Vulture Maiden, The  1992 AUG  nv  1993 LOC, novelette
Lamming, R.M.  Ink Imp, The  1980 MAY  nv  1981 BSF, short fiction
Lanier, Sterling E.  Father's Tale, A  1974 JUL  nv  1975 WFA, short fiction; 10th story in his Brigadier Ffellowes series
Le Guin, Ursula K.  Buffalo Gals, Won't You Come Out Tonight  1987 NOV  nv  1988 WFA, novella
   Buffalo Gals, Won't You Come Out Tonight  1987 NOV  nv  1988 JWC, short story
   Buffalo Gals, Won't You Come Out Tonight  1987 NOV  nv  1988 LOC, novelette
   Buffalo Gals, Won't You Come Out Tonight  1987 NOV  nv  1988 STU
   Solitude  1994 DEC  nv  1995 LOC, novelette
   Darkrose and Diamond  1999 OCT/NOV  nv  2000 LOC, novelette; 1st story in F&SF in Earthsea series
Lee, Mary Soon  Universal Grammar  1997 APR  ss  1998 STU
Lee, Tanith  Red As Blood  1979 JUL  ss  1980 BFA, short fiction
   Red As Blood  1979 JUL  ss  1980 LOC, short story
   All the Birds of Hell  1998 OCT/NOV  nv  1998 LOC, novelette
Lehrman, Herb  Ancient Last, The  1965 JUN  vi  Univac-Unicorn F&SF short story contest, 1st prize
Leiber, Fritz  Ill Met in Lankhmar  1970 APR  na  1971 LOC, short fiction; 1st story in F&SF in Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser series
   Catch That Zeppelin!  1975 MAR  nv  1976 LOC, novelette
   Pale Brown Thing, The  1977 JAN-FEB  no  1978 WFA, novel; novel in F&SF pub. in book form in 1977 as Our Lady of Darkness, which won this award
   Pale Brown Thing, The  1977 JAN-FEB  no  1978 GAN, novel; novel in F&SF pub. in book form in 1977 as Our Lady of Darkness, which was nominated for this award
   Pale Brown Thing, The  1977 JAN-FEB  no  1978 LOC, novel; novel in F&SF pub. in book form in 1977 as Our Lady of Darkness, which was nominated for this award
Leman, Bob  Window  1980 MAY  ss  1981 LOC, short story
   Feesters in the Lake  1980 OCT  nv  1981 BRG, short fiction
   Feesters in the Lake  1980 OCT  nv  1981 LOC, novelette
Ligotti, Thomas  Last Feast of Harlequin, The  1990 APR  nv  1991 LOC, novelette
   Last Feast of Harlequin, The  1990 APR  nv  1991 WFA, short fiction
Lumley, Brian  Born of the Winds  1975 DEC  na  1976 WFA, short fiction
Lupoff, Richard A.  Whatever Happened to Nick Neptune?  1974 JUN  nv  1975 LOC, novelette
Mackay, M. Sargent  Demon Lover  1984 JUN  nv  1985 LOC, novelette
MacLeod, Ian R.  Verglas  1996 OCT/NOV  na  1997 LOC, novella
   Home Time  1998 FEB  nv  1999 LOC, novelette
Malzberg, Barry N.  Galaxy Called Rome, A  1975 JUL  nv  1976 LOC, novelette; pub. in a somewhat different & expanded version, as a novel, Galaxies(1975)
   Blair House  1982 JUN  ss  1983 LOC, short story
Martin, George R.R.  Needle Men, The  1981 OCT  ss  1982 LOC, short story
   Monkey Treatment, The  1983 JUL  nv  1984 LOC, novelette
Martin, Michael A.  Spelunking at the Cavern  1996 JUN  ss  1996 SDW, short fiction
McAuley, Paul J.  Prison Dreams  1992 APR  nv  1993 LOC, novelette
McGarry, Mark J.  Mercy Gate, The  1998 MAR  nv  1999 LOC, novelette
McHugh, Maureen F.  Virtual Love  1994 JAN  ss  1994 HOM, short story
   Virtual Love  1994 JAN  ss  1995 LOC, short story
   Lincoln Train, The  1995 APR  ss  1996 LOC, short story
   Lincoln Train, The  1995 APR  ss  1995 HOM, short story
   Lincoln Train, The  1995 APR  ss  1995 SDW, short fiction
McIntyre, Vonda N.  Mountains of Sunset, the Mountains of Dawn, The  1974 FEB  ss  1975 LOC, short story
   Fireflood  1979 NOV  nv  1980 LOC, novelette
McKenna, Bridget  Good Pup, The  1993 MAR  ss  1993 HOM, short story
   Good Pup, The  1993 MAR  ss  1994 LOC, short story
   Good Pup, The  1993 MAR  ss  1994 SFC, short story

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