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Person  Story Title  Issue Date  Award Type  Comments
Schenck, Hilbert  Hurricane Claude  1983 APR  nv  1984 LOC, novella
Scholz, Carter  Altamira  1981 DEC  ss  1982 LOC, short story
Shaver, Edward F.  Killing Thought, The  1981 MAY  nv  1982 BSF, short fiction; his 1st pub. story
Shaw, Barclay    1997 APR  cover art  1997 CHS, Best Magazine Cover; cover art inspired three stories in three genres: "The Gelfite Girl" by Mike Resnick(fantasy), "King of the Cyber Trifles" by Esther M. Friesner(sf), "Manna" by Nina Kiriki Hoffman(horror)
Shea, Michael  Angel of Death, The  1979 AUG  nv  1980 LOC, novelette
   Autopsy, The  1980 DEC  nv  1981 LOC, novella
   Polyphemus  1981 AUG  na  1982 LOC, novella
   Horror on the #33, The  1982 AUG  ss  1983 LOC, short story
   Fill It With Regular  1986 OCT  nv  1987 LOC, novelette
Sheffield, Charles  Softest Hammer, The  1981 FEB  ss  1982 LOC, short story
   Devil of Malkirk, The  1982 JUN  na  1983 LOC, novella; 1st & only story in F&SF in Erasmus Darwin series
   Out of Copyright  1989 MAY  ss  1990 LOC, short story
Shepard, Lucius  Solitario's Eyes  1983 SEP  ss  1984 LOC, short story
   Solitario's Eyes  1983 SEP  ss  1984 WFA, short fiction
   Salvador  1984 APR  ss  1985 LOC, short story
   Salvador  1984 APR  ss  1985 SFC, short story
   Man Who Painted the Dragon Griaule, The  1984 DEC  nv  1985 BSF, short fiction
   Man Who Painted the Dragon Griaule, The  1984 DEC  nv  1985 LOC, novelette
   Man Who Painted the Dragon Griaule, The  1984 DEC  nv  1985 SFC, novelette
   Man Who Painted the Dragon Griaule, The  1984 DEC  nv  1985 WFA, novella
   Jaguar Hunter, The  1985 MAY  nv  1986 LOC, novelette
   Jaguar Hunter, The  1985 MAY  nv  1986 WFA, short fiction
   Spanish Lesson, A  1985 DEC  nv  1986 LOC, novelette
   Arcevoalo, The  1986 OCT  nv  1987 LOC, novelette
   Glassblower's Dragon, The  1987 APR  ss  1988 LOC, short story
   Ends of the Earth, The  1989 MAR  na  1990 LOC, novella
   Bound for Glory  1989 OCT  nv  1990 LOC, novelette
   Crocodile Rock  1999 OCT/NOV  na  1999 STO, long fiction
   Crocodile Rock  1999 OCT/NOV  na  1999 WFA, novella
   Crocodile Rock  1999 OCT/NOV  na  2000 LOC, novella
Sherman, Delia  Miss Carstairs and the Merman  1989 JAN  nv  1990 LOC, novelette
   Parwat Ruby, The  1999 JUN  ss  1999 WFA, short fiction; this story is a pastiche of a Victorian penny dreadful
Shiner, Lewis  Stuff of Dreams  1981 APR  nv  1982 LOC, novelette
Silverberg, Robert  Born With the Dead  1974 APR  na  1975 JUP, novella
   Born With the Dead  1974 APR  na  1975 LOC, novella
   Stochastic Man, The  1975 APR-JUN  no  1976 JWC, novel
   Stochastic Man, The  1975 APR-JUN  no  1976 LOC, novel
   Lord Valentine's Castle  1979-80 NOV-FEB  no  1981 LOC, novel; 1st story in F&SF in his Majipoor series
   Lord Valentine's Castle  1979-80 NOV-FEB  no  1981 LOC, novel; 1st story in F&SF in his Majipoor series
   Desert of Stolen Dreams, The  1981 JUN  na  1982 LOC, novella; 2nd story in F&SF in his Majipoor series
   Tales From the Venia Woods  1989 OCT  ss  1990 LOC, short story
   Hero of the Empire, A  1999 OCT/NOV  nv  1999 SDW, short fiction; 2nd story in F&SF in Roma Eterna series
   Hero of the Empire, A  1999 OCT/NOV  nv  2000 LOC, novelette; 2nd story in F&SF in Roma Eterna series
Simak, Clifford D.  Autumn Land, The  1971 OCT  nv  1972 LOC, short fiction
Smith, Cordwainer  Down to a Sunless Sea  1975 OCT  nv  1976 LOC, novelette; this story, never before pub., was completed by his wife, Genevieve Linebarger, after his death; ps. for Paul Myron Anthony Linebarger, 1913-1966
Smith, Dean Wesley  Jukebox Gifts  1994 JAN  ss  1995 LOC, short story; 1st & only story in F&SF in Jukebox series
Springer, Nancy  Boy Who Plaited Manes, The  1986 OCT  ss  1987 LOC, short story
   Boy Who Plaited Manes, The  1986 OCT  ss  1987 WFA, short fiction
Stableford, Brian  Man Who Loved the Vampire Lady, The  1988 AUG  nv  1989 LOC, novelette
   Invisible Worm, The  1991 SEP  nv  1992 LOC, novelette

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