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Person  Story Title  Issue Date  Award Type  Comments
Varley, John  Persistence of Vision, The  1978 MAR  na  1979 LOC, novella
   Pusher, The  1981 OCT  ss  1982 LOC, short story
   Pusher, The  1981 OCT  ss  1982 SFC, short story
Waldrop, Howard  Mr. Goober's Show  1998 SEP  ss  1999 LOC, short story; 1st pub. in Omni Online, 1998 MAR
   Dynasters, Vol. I, The: On the Downs  1999 OCT/NOV  ss  1999 WFA, short fiction
   Dynasters, Vol. I, The: On the Downs  1999 OCT/NOV  ss  2000 LOC, short story
Walotsky, Ron    1995 JUN  cover art  1995 CHS, Best Magazine Cover; illus. "The Spine Divers" by Ray Aldridge
     1999 APR  cover art  1999 CHS, Best Magazine Cover; illus. "The Hestwood" by Rob Chilson
Watson, Ian  World Science Fiction Convention of 2080, The  1980 OCT  ss  1981 BSF, short fiction
   World Science Fiction Convention of 2080, The  1980 OCT  ss  1981 LOC, short story
   Slow Birds  1983 JUN  nv  1984 LOC, short story
   Black Current, The  1983 NOV  nv  1984 LOC, novelette; 1st story in his Book of the River series, & to be part of the 1st book, The Book of the River(1984), of his Black Current trilogy
   Cold Light  1986 APR  nv  1987 LOC, novelette
Weiner, Andrew  Seeing  1992 SEP  na  1992 HOM, novella
   Seeing  1992 SEP  na  1993 AUR, short fiction
Wellman, Manly Wade  Ghastly Priest Doth Reign, The  1975 MAR  ss  1976 WFA, short fiction; 3rd story in F&SF in Southern Appalachia series
Wheeler, Mark  Life on the Tether  1983 AUG  nv  1984 LOC, novelette
Wightman, Wayne  Great Wall, The  1985 SEP  ss  1986 LOC, short story
   Metaphysical Gun, The  1986 FEB  nv  1987 LOC, novelette
   Cage 37  1987 APR  nv  1988 LOC, novelette
Wilhelm, Kate  Naming the Flowers  1993 FEB  na  1993 HOM, novella
   Naming the Flowers  1993 FEB  na  1993 LOC, novella; 1st pub. by Axolotl Press in 1992
   Forget Luck  1996 APR  ss  1997 LOC, short story
Williams, Walter Jon  Side Effects  1985 JUN  nv  1986 LOC, short story
   Wall, Stone, Craft  1993 OCT/NOV  na  1993 HOM, novella; 1st pub. by Axolotl Press in 1993
   Wall, Stone, Craft  1993 OCT/NOV  na  1994 LOC, novella; 1st pub. by Axolotl Press in 1993
   Wall, Stone, Craft  1993 OCT/NOV  na  1994 SFC, novella; 1st pub. by Axolotl Press in 1993
   Wall, Stone, Craft  1993 OCT/NOV  na  1994 WFA, novella; 1st pub. by Axolotl Press in 1993
Wilson, Robert Charles  State of the Art  1986 JAN  ss  1987 LOC, short story
   Extras  1987 DEC  nv  1988 LOC, novelette
Winter, Laurel  Blood Harp  1996 MAY  nv  1996 HOM, novelette
   Sky Eyes  1999 MAR  nv  1999 WFA, novella
Wolfe, Gene  Tale of the Student and His Son, The  1981 OCT  ss  1982 LOC, novel; becomes part of the novel The Claw of the Conciliator(1981), Book 2 of the New Sun tetralogy, which won this award
   Tale of the Student and His Son, The  1981 OCT  ss  1982 SFC, novel; becomes part of the novel The Claw of the Conciliator(1981), Book 2 of the New Sun tetralogy, which won this award
   Tale of the Student and His Son, The  1981 OCT  ss  1982 WFA, novel; becomes part of the novel The Claw of the Conciliator(1981), Book 2 of the New Sun tetralogy, which was nominated for this award
   Cabin on the Coast, A  1984 FEB  ss  1985 LOC, short story
   Man in the Pepper Mill, The  1996 OCT/NOV  nv  1997 LOC, novelette
   No Planets Strike  1997 JAN  ss  1998 LOC, short story
Wolverton, Dave  After a Lean Winter  1996 MAR  nv  1997 LOC, novelette; 3rd & last story in 1996 MAR issue in War of the Worlds ser.; to be pub. in Kevin J. Anderson(ed): War of the Worlds: Global Dispatches(1996)
Wornom, Howard  Puppy Love Land  1996 APR  na  1997 STO, novelette; his 1st pub. story
Young, Robert F.  What Bleak Land  1987 JAN  ss  1988 LOC, short story
Zelazny, Roger  Jack of Shadows  1971 JUL-AUG  no  1972 LOC, novel
   Three Descents of Jeremy Baker, The  1995 JUL  ss  1996 LOC, short story; 1st pub. in VB Tech Journal, 1995 JUN

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