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Series Code  Author  Story Title  Issue Date  Type  Comments
aber  Carlson, Esther  Heads You Win …  1953 APR  ss  1st story Dr. Aesop Abercrombie series
   Carlson, Esther  Night Life  1953 DEC  ss  2nd story Dr. Aesop Abercrombie series
   Carlson, Esther  Somewhere East of Rudyard  1954 FEB  ss  3rd story Dr. Aesop Abercrombie series
afrt  Anderson, Poul  Operation Afreet  1956 SEP  nv  1st story Afreet series
   Anderson, Poul  Operation Salamander  1957 JAN  nv  2nd story Afreet series
   Anderson, Poul  Operation Incubus  1959 OCT  ss  3rd story Afreet series
   Anderson, Poul  Operation Changeling  1969 MAY  no  4th story Afreet series, a novel in two parts, 2nd part of novel in 1969 JUN
alfr  Kimbriel, Katharine Eliska  Triad  1991 AUG  nv  1st & only story in F&SF in pioneer clairvoyant Alfreda Sorensson series; another story in series in Yolen & Greenberg(ed): Werewolves(1988), reprt. in AMZ 1992 SEP; novels in series, Night Calls(1996), Kindred Rites(1997)
alrc  Eisenstein, Phyllis  Born to Exile  1971 AUG  nv  1st story in her teleporting minstrel named Alaric series
   Eisenstein, Phyllis  Inn of the Black Swan  1972 NOV  nv  2nd story in her Alaric series
   Eisenstein, Phyllis  Witch and the Well, The  1974 JAN  nv  3rd story in her Alaric series
   Eisenstein, Phyllis  Lords of All Power, The  1975 FEB  na  4th story in her Alaric series; this coll. in her fixup novel, Born to Exile(1978; W-1979 BRG, Best Collection)
   Eisenstein, Phyllis  Land of Sorrow, The  1977 SEP  nv  5th story in her Alaric series
   Eisenstein, Phyllis  Mountain Fastness, The  1979 JUL  nv  6th story in her Alaric series
   Eisenstein, Phyllis  Beyond the Red Lord's Reach  1988 JUL  no  7th story in her Alaric series, a 3 part novel, other parts in 1988 AUG, SEP
   Eisenstein, Phyllis  Island in the Lake, The  1998 DEC  nv  8th story in her Alaric series
amos  Foster, Alan Dean  Jackalope  1989 APR  ss  1st story in F&SF in Mad Amos Malone series; other stories in series in Fantasy Book 1982 AUG, 1983 FEB, & 1984 JUN, & in RoF 1995 JUN
   Foster, Alan Dean  Chrome Comanche, The  1990 MAY  ss  2nd story in F&SF in Mad Amos Malone series
   Foster, Alan Dean  Agrarian Reform  1991 MAR  nv  3rd story in F&SF in Mad Amos Malone series
   Foster, Alan Dean  Having Words: A Mad Amos Malone Story  1992 APR  ss  4th & last story in Mad Amos Malone series; series coll. in Mad Amos(1996)
ange  Bryant, Edward  In the Shade  1982 OCT  ss  1st story ever & 1st in F&SF in witch Angie Black series
   Bryant, Edward  Armageddon Between Sets  1984 SEP  ss  2nd & last story in F&SF in witch Angie Black series; N-1985 LOC, short story; Angie's adventures are continued in his short horror novel Fetish(1991)
anne  Garcia y Robertson, R.  Auld Religion, The  1990 JAN  nv  1st story in Anne of Northumberland series, to be part of his 1st novel, The Spiral Dance(1991 fixup), a historical fantasy novel of witchcraft, lycanthropy & a conspiracy to restore Mary Stuart to the throne in Elizabethan Scotland(C&B)
   Garcia y Robertson, R.  Spiral Dance, The  1990 MAY  nv  2nd & last story in Anne of Northumberland series; N-1991 LOC, novelette; story to be part of fixup novel The Spiral Dance(1991)
anta  Roberts, Keith  Mayday, The  1970 NOV  nv  1st story in F&SF in his Anita the witch series; except for the three stories in F&SF, the other stories in the series are pub. in the British mags. SCG & IMP betw. the years 1964-66
   Roberts, Keith  Junior Partner  1970 DEC  ss  2nd story in F&SF in his Anita the witch series
   Roberts, Keith  Checkout, The  1981 FEB  nv  3rd & last story in F&SF in his Anita the witch series; N-1982 BSF, short fiction
arch  White, Ted  Wednesday, Noon  1968 FEB  ss  1st & only story in F&SF in private detective Ronald Archer series; only other srory in series in FAN 1969 OCT
avtn  Killough, Lee  Siren Garden, The  1974 MAR  ss  1st story in her artist colony Aventine series, likened by some to J.G. Ballard's Vermilion Sands series
   Killough, Lee  Tropic of Eden  1977 AUG  ss  2nd story in her artist colony Aventine series
   Killough, Lee  House Divided, A  1978 JUN  ss  3rd story in her artist colony Aventine series
   Killough, Lee  Broken Stairways, Walls of Time  1979 MAR  ss  4th story in her artist colony Aventine series
   Killough, Lee  Ménage Outré  1981 FEB  ss  5th & last story in her artist colony Aventine series; series coll. in Aventine(1982)
azel  Asimov, Isaac  One Night of Song  1982 APR  ss  1st story overall & 1st in F&SF in Azazel the pocket demon series; series coll. in Azazel(1988), & in Azazel Fantasy Stories(1990)
   Asimov, Isaac  Smile That Loses, The  1982 NOV  ss  2nd & last story in F&SF in Azazel series; one other story in series was pub. in ANA 1989 JUL, the rest(about 18 stories) were pub. in ASI between 1982 JUL-1990 NOV
azpl  Cowdrey, Albert E.  Familiar, The  1997 MAR  ss  1st story in his Azalea Place, New Orleans, series
   Cowdrey, Albert E.  White Magic  1998 MAR  nv  2nd story in his Azalea Place, New Orleans series
   Cowdrey, Albert E.  Great Ancestor, The  1998 SEP  ss  3rd story in his Azalea Place, New Orleans series
b&d  Latham, Philip  Jeannette's Hands  1973 JAN  nv  1st of 2 stories in his Bob & Dagny series, about a "hardworking, rational minded astronomer who is married to the Official Witch of California"
   Latham, Philip  Drop of Dragon's Blood, A  1975 JUL  ss  2nd & last story in his Bob & Dagney series
badh  Griffin, Russell M.  Most Illuminatingly Doleful and Instructively Affecting Demise of Flo, Late of Upper Blooton, The  1980 JUL  pm  1st poem in Bad Habits series, this bad habit: poking forks in toasters
   Griffin, Russell M.  Revolting Tale of Heedless Jack Who Stepped Upon the Sidewalk Cracks, The  1981 FEB  pm  2nd poem in Bad Habits series; subtitled, "Divers Exempla for the Enlightenment, Edification, & Instruction of the Young, Rendered Into Poetical Form With Uplifting and Cautionary Morals Appended"
   Griffin, Russell M.  Tragic Tale of Mad Tom, Who Made One Too Many Faces, The  1982 JUN  pm  3rd & last poem in Bad Habits series, "The fate of those who make a face"
bain  Kirk, Russell  Sorworth Place  1962 NOV  nv  1st story in F&SF from his Ralph Bain series; 1st pub. in London Mystery #14, in 1952, as "Old Place of Sorworth"
   Kirk, Russell  Saviourgate  1976 NOV  ss  2nd & last story in F&SF in his Ralph Bain series
baly  Anderson, Poul  Fatal Fulfillment, The  1970 MAR  na  1st story in F&SF in the Afterlife of Bailey series; 1 of 5 stories written by 5 authors that follow a common prologue(written by Keith Laumer); to be pub. in Keith Laumer: Five Fates(1970)
   Herbert, Frank  Murder Will In  1970 MAY  nv  2nd & last story in the Afterlife of Bailey series; 1 of 5 stories written by 5 authors that follow a common prologue(written by Keith Laumer); to be pub. in Keith Laumer: Five Fates(1970)
bdry  Gage, Joseph H.  Achilles Had His Heel  1951 OCT  ss  1st story in a series of Western tall tales set in the town of Bonedry, Arizona(more stories in series promised by the editor)
bhen  Hardy, David    1992 JAN  cover art  10th of his Bhen the Green Alien series of covers; depicts Bhen skiing the slopes of a satellite(perhaps one of Jupiter's)
   Hardy, David    1989 JUN  cover art  9th of his Bhen the Green Alien series of covers; depicts Bhen climbing the rock face of a moon, its ringed planet in the background

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