Series Code |
Author |
Story Title |
Issue Date |
Type |
Comments |
aber |
Carlson, Esther |
Heads You Win … |
1953 APR |
ss |
1st story Dr. Aesop Abercrombie series |
Carlson, Esther |
Night Life |
1953 DEC |
ss |
2nd story Dr. Aesop Abercrombie series |
Carlson, Esther |
Somewhere East of Rudyard |
1954 FEB |
ss |
3rd story Dr. Aesop Abercrombie series |
afrt |
Anderson, Poul |
Operation Afreet |
1956 SEP |
nv |
1st story Afreet series |
Anderson, Poul |
Operation Salamander |
1957 JAN |
nv |
2nd story Afreet series |
Anderson, Poul |
Operation Incubus |
1959 OCT |
ss |
3rd story Afreet series |
Anderson, Poul |
Operation Changeling |
1969 MAY |
no |
4th story Afreet series, a novel in two parts, 2nd part of novel in 1969 JUN |
alfr |
Kimbriel, Katharine Eliska |
Triad |
1991 AUG |
nv |
1st & only story in F&SF in pioneer clairvoyant Alfreda Sorensson series; another story in series in Yolen & Greenberg(ed): Werewolves(1988), reprt. in AMZ 1992 SEP; novels in series, Night Calls(1996), Kindred Rites(1997) |
alrc |
Eisenstein, Phyllis |
Born to Exile |
1971 AUG |
nv |
1st story in her teleporting minstrel named Alaric series |
Eisenstein, Phyllis |
Inn of the Black Swan |
1972 NOV |
nv |
2nd story in her Alaric series |
Eisenstein, Phyllis |
Witch and the Well, The |
1974 JAN |
nv |
3rd story in her Alaric series |
Eisenstein, Phyllis |
Lords of All Power, The |
1975 FEB |
na |
4th story in her Alaric series; this coll. in her fixup novel, Born to Exile(1978; W-1979 BRG, Best Collection) |
Eisenstein, Phyllis |
Land of Sorrow, The |
1977 SEP |
nv |
5th story in her Alaric series |
Eisenstein, Phyllis |
Mountain Fastness, The |
1979 JUL |
nv |
6th story in her Alaric series |
Eisenstein, Phyllis |
Beyond the Red Lord's Reach |
1988 JUL |
no |
7th story in her Alaric series, a 3 part novel, other parts in 1988 AUG, SEP |
Eisenstein, Phyllis |
Island in the Lake, The |
1998 DEC |
nv |
8th story in her Alaric series |
amos |
Foster, Alan Dean |
Jackalope |
1989 APR |
ss |
1st story in F&SF in Mad Amos Malone series; other stories in series in Fantasy Book 1982 AUG, 1983 FEB, & 1984 JUN, & in RoF 1995 JUN |
Foster, Alan Dean |
Chrome Comanche, The |
1990 MAY |
ss |
2nd story in F&SF in Mad Amos Malone series |
Foster, Alan Dean |
Agrarian Reform |
1991 MAR |
nv |
3rd story in F&SF in Mad Amos Malone series |
Foster, Alan Dean |
Having Words: A Mad Amos Malone Story |
1992 APR |
ss |
4th & last story in Mad Amos Malone series; series coll. in Mad Amos(1996) |
ange |
Bryant, Edward |
In the Shade |
1982 OCT |
ss |
1st story ever & 1st in F&SF in witch Angie Black series |
Bryant, Edward |
Armageddon Between Sets |
1984 SEP |
ss |
2nd & last story in F&SF in witch Angie Black series; N-1985 LOC, short story; Angie's adventures are continued in his short horror novel Fetish(1991) |
anne |
Garcia y Robertson, R. |
Auld Religion, The |
1990 JAN |
nv |
1st story in Anne of Northumberland series, to be part of his 1st novel, The Spiral Dance(1991 fixup), a historical fantasy novel of witchcraft, lycanthropy & a conspiracy to restore Mary Stuart to the throne in Elizabethan Scotland(C&B) |
Garcia y Robertson, R. |
Spiral Dance, The |
1990 MAY |
nv |
2nd & last story in Anne of Northumberland series; N-1991 LOC, novelette; story to be part of fixup novel The Spiral Dance(1991) |
anta |
Roberts, Keith |
Mayday, The |
1970 NOV |
nv |
1st story in F&SF in his Anita the witch series; except for the three stories in F&SF, the other stories in the series are pub. in the British mags. SCG & IMP betw. the years 1964-66 |
Roberts, Keith |
Junior Partner |
1970 DEC |
ss |
2nd story in F&SF in his Anita the witch series |
Roberts, Keith |
Checkout, The |
1981 FEB |
nv |
3rd & last story in F&SF in his Anita the witch series; N-1982 BSF, short fiction |
arch |
White, Ted |
Wednesday, Noon |
1968 FEB |
ss |
1st & only story in F&SF in private detective Ronald Archer series; only other srory in series in FAN 1969 OCT |
avtn |
Killough, Lee |
Siren Garden, The |
1974 MAR |
ss |
1st story in her artist colony Aventine series, likened by some to J.G. Ballard's Vermilion Sands series |
Killough, Lee |
Tropic of Eden |
1977 AUG |
ss |
2nd story in her artist colony Aventine series |
Killough, Lee |
House Divided, A |
1978 JUN |
ss |
3rd story in her artist colony Aventine series |
Killough, Lee |
Broken Stairways, Walls of Time |
1979 MAR |
ss |
4th story in her artist colony Aventine series |
Killough, Lee |
Ménage Outré |
1981 FEB |
ss |
5th & last story in her artist colony Aventine series; series coll. in Aventine(1982) |
azel |
Asimov, Isaac |
One Night of Song |
1982 APR |
ss |
1st story overall & 1st in F&SF in Azazel the pocket demon series; series coll. in Azazel(1988), & in Azazel Fantasy Stories(1990) |
Asimov, Isaac |
Smile That Loses, The |
1982 NOV |
ss |
2nd & last story in F&SF in Azazel series; one other story in series was pub. in ANA 1989 JUL, the rest(about 18 stories) were pub. in ASI between 1982 JUL-1990 NOV |
azpl |
Cowdrey, Albert E. |
Familiar, The |
1997 MAR |
ss |
1st story in his Azalea Place, New Orleans, series |
Cowdrey, Albert E. |
White Magic |
1998 MAR |
nv |
2nd story in his Azalea Place, New Orleans series |
Cowdrey, Albert E. |
Great Ancestor, The |
1998 SEP |
ss |
3rd story in his Azalea Place, New Orleans series |
b&d |
Latham, Philip |
Jeannette's Hands |
1973 JAN |
nv |
1st of 2 stories in his Bob & Dagny series, about a "hardworking, rational minded astronomer who is married to the Official Witch of California" |
Latham, Philip |
Drop of Dragon's Blood, A |
1975 JUL |
ss |
2nd & last story in his Bob & Dagney series |
badh |
Griffin, Russell M. |
Most Illuminatingly Doleful and Instructively Affecting Demise of Flo, Late of Upper Blooton, The |
1980 JUL |
pm |
1st poem in Bad Habits series, this bad habit: poking forks in toasters |
Griffin, Russell M. |
Revolting Tale of Heedless Jack Who Stepped Upon the Sidewalk Cracks, The |
1981 FEB |
pm |
2nd poem in Bad Habits series; subtitled, "Divers Exempla for the Enlightenment, Edification, & Instruction of the Young, Rendered Into Poetical Form With Uplifting and Cautionary Morals Appended" |
Griffin, Russell M. |
Tragic Tale of Mad Tom, Who Made One Too Many Faces, The |
1982 JUN |
pm |
3rd & last poem in Bad Habits series, "The fate of those who make a face" |
bain |
Kirk, Russell |
Sorworth Place |
1962 NOV |
nv |
1st story in F&SF from his Ralph Bain series; 1st pub. in London Mystery #14, in 1952, as "Old Place of Sorworth" |
Kirk, Russell |
Saviourgate |
1976 NOV |
ss |
2nd & last story in F&SF in his Ralph Bain series |
baly |
Anderson, Poul |
Fatal Fulfillment, The |
1970 MAR |
na |
1st story in F&SF in the Afterlife of Bailey series; 1 of 5 stories written by 5 authors that follow a common prologue(written by Keith Laumer); to be pub. in Keith Laumer: Five Fates(1970) |
Herbert, Frank |
Murder Will In |
1970 MAY |
nv |
2nd & last story in the Afterlife of Bailey series; 1 of 5 stories written by 5 authors that follow a common prologue(written by Keith Laumer); to be pub. in Keith Laumer: Five Fates(1970) |
bdry |
Gage, Joseph H. |
Achilles Had His Heel |
1951 OCT |
ss |
1st story in a series of Western tall tales set in the town of Bonedry, Arizona(more stories in series promised by the editor) |
bhen |
Hardy, David |
1992 JAN |
cover art |
10th of his Bhen the Green Alien series of covers; depicts Bhen skiing the slopes of a satellite(perhaps one of Jupiter's) |
Hardy, David |
1989 JUN |
cover art |
9th of his Bhen the Green Alien series of covers; depicts Bhen climbing the rock face of a moon, its ringed planet in the background |
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