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Series Code  Author  Story Title  Issue Date  Type  Comments
fegh  Briarton, Grendel  Through Time and Space with Ferdinand Feghoot: XXXVI  1961 FEB  vi  33rd story in F&SF in Feghoot series; with thanks to Capt. E.D. Harris
   Briarton, Grendel  Through Time and Space with Ferdinand Feghoot: XXXVII  1961 MAR  vi  34th story in F&SF in Feghoot series
   Briarton, Grendel  Through Time and Space with Ferdinand Feghoot: XXXVIII  1961 APR  vi  35th story in F&SF in Feghoot series, a Super-Feghoot
   Briarton, Grendel  Through Time and Space with Ferdinand Feghhot: XXXIX  1961 MAY  vi  36th story in F&SF in Feghoot series
   Briarton, Grendel  Through Time and Space with Ferdinand Feghoot: XL  1961 JUN  vi  37th story in F&SF in Feghoot series; with thanks to E. Nelson Bridwell
   Briarton, Grendel  Through Time and Space with Ferdinand Feghoot: XLI  1961 JUL  vi  38th story in F&SF in Feghoot series
   Briarton, Grendel  Through Time and Space with Ferdinand Feghoot: XLII  1961 AUG  vi  39th story in F&SF in Feghoot series; with thanks to Andrew Gould
   Briarton, Grendel  Through Time and Space with Ferdinand Feghoot: XLIII  1961 SEP  vi  40th story in F&SF in Feghoot series; with thanks to Herman Mudgett (ps. for Anthony Boucher)
   Briarton, Grendel  Through Time and Space with Ferdinand Feghoot: XLIV  1961 OCT  vi  41st story in F&SF in Feghoot series; with thanks to James J. Davidson
   Briarton, Grendel  Through Time and Space with Ferdinand Feghoot: XLV  1961 NOV  vi  42nd story in F&SF in Feghoot series; with thanks to Joe Olson
   Briarton, Grendel  Through Time and Space with Ferdinand Feghoot: XLVI  1961 DEC  vi  43rd story in F&SF in Feghoot series; with thanks to H. Orlo Hoadley
   Briarton, Grendel  Through Time and Space with Ferdinand Feghoot: XLVII  1962 JAN  vi  44th story in F&SF in Feghoot series
   Briarton, Grendel  Through Time and Space with Ferdinand Feghoot: XLVIII  1962 FEB  vi  45th story in F&SF in Feghoot series; with thanks to Peggy Kernerman
   Briarton, Grendel  Through Time and Space with Ferdinand Feghoot: XLIX  1962 MAR  vi  46th story in F&SF in Feghoot series; with thanks to Robert E. Spenger
   Briarton, Grendel  Through Time and Space with Ferdinand Feghoot: L  1962 MAY  vi  47th story in F&SF in Feghoot series; with thanks to W. Robert Gibson
   Briarton, Grendel  Through Time and Space with Ferdinand Feghoot: LI  1962 JUN  vi  48th story in F&SF in Feghoot series; with thanks to John K.H. Brunner
   Briarton, Grendel  Through Time and Space with Ferdinand Feghoot: LII  1962 JUL  vi  49th story in F&SF in Feghoot series; with thanks to R.S. Coplan
   Briarton, Grendel  Through Time and Space with Ferdinand Feghoot: LIII  1962 AUG  vi  50th story in F&SF in Feghoot series
   Briarton, Grendel  Through Time and Space with Ferdinand Feghoot: LIV  1962 SEP  vi  51st story in F&SF in Feghoot series; with thanks to Cora Anne Cunningham
   Briarton, Grendel  Through Time and Space with Ferdinand Feghoot: LV  1962 OCT  vi  52nd story in F&SF in Feghoot series
   Briarton, Grendel  Through Time and Space with Ferdinand Feghoot: LVI  1962 NOV  vi  53rd story in F&SF in Feghoot series; with thanks to G.O. Gunthorp Jr
   Briarton, Grendel  Through Time and Space with Ferdinand Feghoot: LVII  1962 DEC  vi  54th story in F&SF in Feghoot series
   Briarton, Grendel  Through Time and Space with Ferdinand Feghoot: LVIII  1963 JAN  vi  55th story in F&SF in Feghoot series
   Briarton, Grendel  Through Time and Space with Ferdinand Feghoot: LIX  1963 FEB  vi  56th story in F&SF in Feghoot series; with thanks to John F. Moore
   Briarton, Grendel  Through Time and Space with Ferdinand Feghoot: LX  1963 MAR  vi  57th story in F&SF in Feghoot series; with thanks to Vee Heintzelman
   Briarton, Grendel  Through Time and Space with Ferdinand Feghoot: LXI  1963 APR  vi  58th story in F&SF in Feghoot series
   Briarton, Grendel  Through Time and Space with Ferdinand Feghoot: LXII  1963 MAY  vi  59th story in F&SF in Feghoot series; with thanks to Richard Olcott
   Briarton, Grendel  Through Time and Space with Ferdinand Feghoot: LXIII  1963 JUN  vi  60th story in F&SF in Feghoot series; with thanks to Simon Kahn
   Briarton, Grendel  Through Time and Space with Ferdinand Feghoot: LXIV  1963 AUG  vi  61st story in F&SF in Feghoot series; with thanks to Romina Grobis
   Briarton, Grendel  Through Time and Space with Ferdinand Feghoot: LXV  1963 SEP  vi  62nd story in F&SF in Feghoot series; with thanks to E. Nelson Bridwell
   Briarton, Grendel  Through Time and Space with Ferdinand Feghoot: LXVI  1963 NOV  vi  63rd story in F&SF in Feghoot series
   Briarton, Grendel  Through Time and Space with Ferdinand Feghoot: LXVII  1963 DEC  vi  64th story in F&SF in Feghoot series
   Briarton, Grendel  Through Time and Space with Ferdinand Feghoot: LXVIII  1964 JAN  vi  65th story in F&SF in Feghoot series; with thanks to Simon Kahn
   F&SF staff  Competition 5  1973 APR  cmp  submit a Feghoot, in 150 words or less; as an example is a brand new Feghoot by Grendel Briarton(& in index as a separate entry, as will Feghoots submitted & chosen as winners); due to copyright laws, winning Feghoots will be revised & be by Briarton
   Briarton, Grendel  Through Time and Space with Ferdinand Feghoot  1973 APR  vi  66th story in F&SF in Feghoot series; a brand new one, written especially for & as an example for Competition 5
   F&SF staff  Report on Competition 5  1973 AUG  cmp  Feghoot contest, judged by Grendel Briarton(Reginald Bretnor); in order to protect the copyright of F. Feghoot, winning entries have been revised by G.B. & pub. under his byline; each winning Feghoot will be given a separate entry in this index
   Briarton, Grendel  Through Time and Space with Ferdinand Feghoot  1973 AUG  vi  67th story in F&SF in Feghoot series; with thanks to Thomas C. Gutheil, MD - 1st prize in Competition 5
   Briarton, Grendel  Through Time and Space with Ferdinand Feghoot  1973 AUG  vi  68th story in F&SF in Feghoot series; with thanks to William David Broxon - 2nd prize in Competition 5
   Briarton, Grendel  Through Time and Space with Ferdinand Feghoot  1973 AUG  vi  69th story in F&SF in Feghoot series; with thanks to Paul Major - Runner-Up in Competition 5
   Briarton, Grendel  Through Time and Space with Ferdinand Feghoot  1973 AUG  vi  70th & last story in F&SF in Feghoot series; with thanks to F.M. Busby - Runner-Up in Competition 5
ferg  Boucher, Anthony  Gandolphus  1956 DEC  ss  1st story in F&SF from his private eye Fergus O'Breen series; 1st pub. in Other Worlds SF, pub. in F&SF in a revised form
   Boucher, Anthony  Pink Caterpillar, The  1958 DEC  ss  2nd story in F&SF from his Fergus O'Breen series
fflw  Lanier, Sterling E.  Soldier Key  1968 AUG  nv  1st story in his Brigadier Donald Ffellowes series
   Lanier, Sterling E.  Kings of the Sea, The  1968 NOV  ss  2nd story in his Brigadier Ffellowes series
   Lanier, Sterling E.  Leftovers, The  1969 MAR  ss  3rd story in his Brigadier Ffellowes series
   Lanier, Sterling E.  Fraternity Brother  1969 AUG  ss  4th story in his Brigadier Ffellowes series
   Lanier, Sterling E.  Feminine Jurisdiction, A  1969 NOV  nv  5th story in Brigadier Ffellowes series
   Lanier, Sterling E.  His Only Safari  1970 FEB  nv  6th story in his Brigadier Ffellowes series
   Lanier, Sterling E.  His Coat So Gay  1970 JUL  nv  7th story in his Brigadier Ffellowes series
   Lanier, Sterling E.  And the Voice of the Turtle ...  1972 OCT  nv  8th story in his Brigadier Ffellowes series; series coll. in The Peculiar Exploits of Brigadier Ffellowes(1972)

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