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Series Code  Author  Story Title  Issue Date  Type  Comments
main  Coney, Michael G.  Gateway to Now, The  1974 JUL  ss  2nd story of 2 in John Maine series
mana  Niven, Larry  Not Long Before the End  1969 APR  ss  1st story in his Mana series; N-1969 NEB, 1970 HUG
   Niven, Larry  Unfinished Story  1970 DEC  vi  2nd story in his Mana series, this vignette concerns Maxwell's demon - which is discussed in Asimov's science essay "The Modern Demonology" in F&SF 1962 JAN(#1638)
   Niven, Larry  What Good Is a Glass Dagger?  1972 SEP  nv  3rd story in F&SF in his Mana series; the 1st story in this series, "Not Long Before the End" in F&SF 1969 APR, forms sort of a prologue for this story
   Niven, Larry & Dian Girard  Talisman  1981 NOV  nv  4th story in F&SF in his Mana series, set in the same Warlock's universe as "What Good Is a Glass Dagger?" in F&SF 1972 SEP
   Niven, Larry  Lion in His Attic, The  1982 JUL  ss  5th & last story in F&SF in Mana series
matt  Hoffman, Nina Kiriki  Home for Christmas  1995 JAN  nv  1st story in F&SF in Matilda 'Matt' Black series; N-1995 Homer, NEB, novelette; 1996 STU; WFA, novella; many of her stories are linked, with many characters & families related to each other; Matt is also in her novella, Unmasking(1992)
   Hoffman, Nina Kiriki  Here We Come A-Wandering  1996 JAN  ss  2nd story in F&SF in Matilda 'Matt' Black series, later expanded into novel A Red Heart of Memories(1999); Matt is a woman with the uncanny ability to communicate with inanimate objects
mc/sh  Sterling, Bruce  Swarm  1982 APR  nv  1st story in F&SF in Mechanist/Shapers series; N-1982 NEB; 1983 HUG, LOC, novelette
   Sterling, Bruce  Spider Rose  1982 AUG  ss  2nd & last story in F&SF in Mechanist/Shapers series; other stories in series in Terry Carr(ed): Universe 13(1983), INZ 1984 SPR, Omni 1984 JUN, & novel Schisamatrix(1985); all coll. in omnibus Schisamatrix Plus(1996)
mcan  Sheffield, Charles  Rogueworld  1983 MAY  nv  1st & only story in F&SF in Arthur McAndrew ser.; other stories in ser. in GAL 1978 MAR, & in ANA 1980 OCT, 1981 FEB 2, 1982 SEP, & 1992 JUN; ser. coll. in The McAndrew Chronicles(1983; exp. novel/coll. as One Man's Universe, 1993)
mcgr  Sale, Richard  Perseus Had a Helmet  1949 FLL  ss  from his Captain McGrail series; 1st pub. in 1938
   Sale, Richard  Old Oaken Eight-Ball, The  1953 SEP  ss  2nd story Captain McGrail series; 1st pub. in 1941
mchr  Bradbury, Ray  Wilderness, The  1952 NOV  ss  1st & only story in F&SF in his Martian Chronicles series
mcms  Budrys, Algis  Michaelmas  1976 AUG-SEP  no  1st & only story in F&SF in Laurent Michaelmas series, novel to be pub. in book form in 1977; N-1978 LOC, novel; only other stories in series, "A Scraping at the Bones" in ANA 1975 MAY, & "The Nuptial Flight of Warbirds" in ANA 1978 MAY
mdea  Disch, Thomas M.  Concepts  1978 DEC  nv  1st & only story in Medea series, one of 11 stories by 11 authors set on a planet conceived by Harlan Ellison; to be pub. in Ellison(ed): Medea: Harlan's World(1985); other stories in series originally pub. in ASI, ANA, Omni, & in 2 anthologies
mdmr  Nourse, Alan E.  Expert Touch, The  1955 NOV  ss  1st story in F&SF in Hoffman Center & Medical Mercenaries series
mjpr  Silverberg, Robert  Lord Valentine's Castle  1979-80 NOV-FEB  no  1st story in F&SF in his planet Majipoor series; W-1981 LOC; N-1981 HUG, BRG, novel
   Silverberg, Robert  Desert of Stolen Dreams, The  1981 JUN  na  2nd story in F&SF in Majipoor series; N-1982 LOC, novella
   Silverberg, Robert  In the Fifth Year of the Voyage  1981 DEC  nv  3rd & last story in F&SF in Majipoor series; this story & others in series coll. in Majipoor Chronicles(1982)
mlla  Swann, Thomas Burnett  Love Is a Dragonfly  1972 MAR  na  1st & only story in F&SF in his Mellonia the Dryad series; shares the same heroine, Mellonia, as story "Where Is the Bird of Fire" in SCF #52 1962
mlry  Resnick, Mike  Card Shark: A John Justin Mallory Story  1998 MAY  nv  1st & only story in F&SF in Mallory & Carruthers Agency series
mncl  Finney, Charles G.  Horsenaping of Hotspur, The  1958 AUG  ss  1st story Manacle, Arizona series
   Finney, Charles G.  Iowan's Curse, The  1959 JUN  ss  2nd story Manacle, Arizona series
   Finney, Charles G.  Gilashrikes, The  1959 OCT  ss  3rd story Manacle, Arizona series
mnti  Wilhelm, Kate  Forget Luck  1996 APR  ss  1st story in F&SF in Tony Manetti series; N-1997 HUG, LOC, short story
   Wilhelm, Kate  Happiest Day of Her Life, The  1999 OCT/NOV  nv  2nd story in F&SF in Tony Manetti series
mntz  Lawson, James  Heartwired: A Montezuma Strip Story  1992 FEB  nv  1st story in F&SF in Montezuma Strip series; other stories in series in AMZ 1988 NOV, & 1993 SEP; James Lawson a ps. for Alan Dean Foster
   Lawson, James  Gagrito  1993 APR  nv  2nd & last story in F&SF in his Montezuma Strip series
moby  Jennings, Gary  Sooner or Later or Never Never  1972 MAY  nv  1st story in his adventures of the Reverend Crispin Mobey series; Mobey might be described as "the Inspector Clouseau of the ecclesiastic world"
   Jennings, Gary  Not With a Bang But With a Bleep  1977 JUN  nv  2nd story in his Reverend Crispin Mobey series
   Jennings, Gary  Lhude Sing Cuccu!  1977 SEP  nv  3rd story in his Reverend Crispin Mobey series
   Jennings, Gary  Kingdom Come  1978 JAN  nv  4th story in his Reverend Crispin Mobey series
   Jennings, Gary  Let Us Prey  1978 JUN  nv  5th story in his Reverend Crispin Mobey series
   Jennings, Gary  Be Jubilant My Feet!  1978 DEC  ss  6th story in his Reverend Crispin Mobey series; Mobey is a missionary of the Southern Primitive Protestant Church
   Jennings, Gary  Homo Sap  1979 MAR  nv  7th story in his Reverend Crispin Mobey series
   Jennings, Gary  Ignis Fatuus  1979 SEP  ss  8th & last story in his Reverend Crispin Mobey series; this series coll. in fixup novel, The Lively Lives of Crispin Mobey(1988), as by the ps. Gabriel Quyth
mork  Arthur, Robert  Postpaid to Paradise  1950 WIN/SPR  ss  1st story in F&SF from his Murchison Morks series; 1st pub. in ARG, 15 JUN 1940
   Arthur, Robert  Wilfred Weem, Dreamer  1951 AUG  ss  2nd story in F&SF from his Murchison Morks series; 1st pub. in ARG, 5 JUL 1941, as "Just a Dreamer"
   Arthur, Robert  Obstinate Uncle Otis  1958 APR  ss  3rd story in F&SF from his Murchison Morks series; 1st pub. in ARG, 19 JUL 1941
   Arthur, Robert  Mr. Milton's Gift  1958 NOV  ss  4th story in F&SF from his Murchison Morks series
   Arthur, Robert  Hero Equation, The  1959 JUN  ss  5th story in F&SF from his Murchison Morks series; 1st pub. in ARG, 3 MAY 1941
   Arthur, Robert  Devil's Garden, The  1959 SEP  ss  6th & last story in F&SF from his Murchison Morks series; 1st pub. in ARG, 1 MAR 1941
morv  Wilson, Gahan  Beware of the Dog  1964 APR  vi  1st story in Moral vignettes series; "Moral: Beware the mighty dog"
   Wilson, Gahan  Thing From Outer Space and the Prairie Dogs, The  1964 JUN  vi  2ns story in Moral vignettes series; "Moral: Watch out which fly you swat"
   Wilson, Gahan  Scientist and the Monster, The  1964 JUL  vi  3rd story in Moral vignettes series; "Moral: Many people you feel sorry for would seriously wonder why"
   Wilson, Gahan  Knight-Errant, the Dragon, and the Maiden, The  1967 JAN  vi  4th story in Moral vignettes series; "Moral: Free willing prisoners at your own risk"
   Wilson, Gahan  Sea Monster and the Mayor of New York City, The  1967 JUL  vi  5th story in Moral vignettes series; "Moral: Many threats are kindly meant"
   Wilson, Gahan  Zombie Butler, The  1973 MAR  vi  6th story in Moral vignette series; "Moral: A slave's chains are heavy at both ends"
mrln  Yolen, Jane  Dragon's Boy, The  1985 SEP  ss  1st story in F&SF in her Merlin series; other stories in series in Tales of Wonder(1983), The Whitehorn Wood and Other Magicks(1984), & in Robin McKinley(ed): Imaginary Lands(1985); series coll. in Merlin's Booke(1986)

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