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Author  Story Title  Issue Date  Type  Comments
Alden, W.L.  Volcanic Valve, The  1950 WIN/SPR  ss  1st & only story in F&SF from his Prof. Van Wagener series; 1st pub. in his collection Van Wagener's Way, in 1898
Aldiss, Brian W.  Three Songs for Enigmatic Lovers  1974 NOV  gp  1st & only story group in F&SF in his Enigma ser.; 3 short stories/vignettes: 1. A One-Man Expedition Through Life; 2. The Taste of Shrapnel; 3. Forty Million Miles from the Nearest Blonde; most of ser. reprinted in New Pathways, 1986-91
   Hothouse  1961 FEB  nv  1st story Hothouse series, vt. "The Long Afternoon"; the Hothouse series, W-1962 HUG, best short fiction
   Nomansland  1961 APR  nv  2nd story Hothouse series
   Undergrowth  1961 JUL  na  3rd story Hothouse series
   Timberline  1961 SEP  nv  4th story Hothouse series
   Evergreen  1961 DEC  na  5th & last story Hothouse series
Aldridge, Ray  Love Farmer, The  1992 MAR  na  1st story in F&SF in Dilvermoon series; set in the Dilvermoon world, as are most of his novels & short fiction
   Spine Divers, The  1995 JUN  na  2nd & last story in F&SF in Dilvermoon series; N-1996 STU
Anderson, Poul  Operation Afreet  1956 SEP  nv  1st story Afreet series
   Operation Salamander  1957 JAN  nv  2nd story Afreet series
   Operation Incubus  1959 OCT  ss  3rd story Afreet series
   Operation Changeling  1969 MAY  no  4th story Afreet series, a novel in two parts, 2nd part of novel in 1969 JUN
   Fatal Fulfillment, The  1970 MAR  na  1st story in F&SF in the Afterlife of Bailey series; 1 of 5 stories written by 5 authors that follow a common prologue(written by Keith Laumer); to be pub. in Keith Laumer: Five Fates(1970)
   Marque and Reprisal  1965 FEB  na  1st of a trilogy, in privateer Gunnar Heim series; N-1966 HUG
   Arsenal Port  1965 APR  na  2nd of a trilogy, in privateer Gunnar Heim series
   Admiralty  1965 JUN  na  3rd & last in trilogy, in privateer Gunnar Heim series; a longer version of these three novellas to be pub. as the novel The Star Fox(1965)
   Nice Girls on Mars (Of Mice and Men: I)  1956 MAY  ar  response to Richardson's article(#721, F&SF 1955 DEC), on the sexual mores necessary for Martian exploration/early colonization
   Sky People, The  1959 MAR  nv  1st story Sky People series, has sequel F&SF 1962 JAN
   Progress  1962 JAN  nv  2nd story Sky People series, sequel to story in F&SF 1959 MAR
   Time Patrol  1955 MAY  nv  1st story Manse Everard and Time Patrol series
   Delenda Est  1955 DEC  nv  2nd story Time Patrol series
   Wildcat  1958 NOV  nv  3rd story Time Patrol series
   Brave to Be a King  1959 AUG  nv  4th story Time Patrol series
   Only Game in Town, The  1960 JAN  nv  5th story Time Patrol series
   Gibraltar Falls  1975 OCT  ss  6th story Time Patrol series
Anderson, Poul & Gordon R. Dickson  Yo Ho Hoka!  1955 MAR  nv  1st story in F&SF in their Hoka series; three prev.: "Heroes Are Made"(vt "The Sheriff of Canyon Gulch") in OWS 1951 MAY, "In Hokas Signo Vinces" in OWS 1953 JUN, & "The Adventure of the Misplaced Hound" in USF 1953 DEC
   Tiddlywink Warriors, The  1955 AUG  nv  2nd story Hoka series; also in series are stories "Don Jones" in Hoka coll. Earthman's Burden(1957), & "The Napoleon Crime" in ANA 1983 MAR
   Joy in Mudville  1955 NOV  nv  3rd story Hoka series; this series was coll. in Earthman's Burden(1957), Hoka!(1983; N-1984 LOC), & in omnibuses Hoka! Hoka! Hoka!(1998), Hokas Pokas!(2000)
   Undiplomatic Immunity  1957 MAY  nv  4th story Hoka series; also in this series is ya novel Star Prince Charlie(1975)
   Full Pack (Hokas Wild)  1957 OCT  nv  5th story Hoka series
Anvil, Christopher  Throne and the Usurper, The  1970 NOV  nv  1st & only story in F&SF in his Vaughan Roberts series; others 1 @ in VSF & AMZ, the rest in ANA; series coll. in fixup novel Strangers in Paradise(1969)
Arnason, Eleanor  Actors, The: A Hwarhath Historical Romance  1999 DEC  na  1st story in F&SF in Hwarhath series; N-2000 LOC, novella; also in series, novel Ring of Swords(1993) & stories in Yolen & Greenberg(ed): Xanadu(1993), ASI 1994 JUL & 1999 SEP, AMZ 1994 WIN, & TotU #16 1996 & #21 2000
Arthur, Robert  Postpaid to Paradise  1950 WIN/SPR  ss  1st story in F&SF from his Murchison Morks series; 1st pub. in ARG, 15 JUN 1940
   Wilfred Weem, Dreamer  1951 AUG  ss  2nd story in F&SF from his Murchison Morks series; 1st pub. in ARG, 5 JUL 1941, as "Just a Dreamer"
   Obstinate Uncle Otis  1958 APR  ss  3rd story in F&SF from his Murchison Morks series; 1st pub. in ARG, 19 JUL 1941
   Mr. Milton's Gift  1958 NOV  ss  4th story in F&SF from his Murchison Morks series
   Hero Equation, The  1959 JUN  ss  5th story in F&SF from his Murchison Morks series; 1st pub. in ARG, 3 MAY 1941
   Devil's Garden, The  1959 SEP  ss  6th & last story in F&SF from his Murchison Morks series; 1st pub. in ARG, 1 MAR 1941
Asimov, Isaac  One Night of Song  1982 APR  ss  1st story overall & 1st in F&SF in Azazel the pocket demon series; series coll. in Azazel(1988), & in Azazel Fantasy Stories(1990)
   Smile That Loses, The  1982 NOV  ss  2nd & last story in F&SF in Azazel series; one other story in series was pub. in ANA 1989 JUL, the rest(about 18 stories) were pub. in ASI between 1982 JUL-1990 NOV
   Nothing Like Murder  1974 OCT  ss  1st story in F&SF in his Black Widowers series; this story memorializes J.R.R. Tolkien, who died Sept. 2, 1973; most stories in series have been pub. in EQMM
   Earthset and Evening Star  1975 AUG  ss  2nd story in F&SF in his Black Widower series, this mystery one with an sf angle
   Friday the Thirteenth  1976 JAN  ss  3rd & last story in F&SF in his Black Widowers series; series coll. in Tales of the B.W.(1974), More Tales of the B.W.(1976), Casebook of the B.W.(1980), Banquets of the B.W.(1984), & Puzzles of the B.W.(1990)
   Feminine Intuition  1969 OCT  nv  1st & only story in F&SF in his Susan Calvin/robot series, this story being about a female robot long after Calvin has died; Calvin character 1st appeared in "Liar!" in ASF 1941 MAY; next & last one "Robot Dreams" in ASI 1986 mDEC
   — That Thou Art Mindful of Him!  1974 MAY  nv  2nd of 2 stories in F&SF in his Susan Calvin/robot series; N-1975 HUG, LOC
   Brazen Locked Room, The (Gimmicks Three: I)  1956 NOV  ss  part of a triptych, inspired by Cogswell's story "Threesie"(#740) in F&SF 1956 JAN
   Singing Bell, The  1955 JAN  ss  1st story extraterrologist & sleuth Dr. Wendell Urth series(based on R. Austin Freeman's character Dr. Thorndyke in The Singing Bone, pub. in 1912)
   Talking Stone, The  1955 OCT  ss  2nd story Dr. Wendell Urth series
   Dying Night, The  1956 JUL  nv  3rd story Dr. Wendell Urth series

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