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2013 Covers
Book Reviews
Charles de Lint
Elizabeth Hand
Michelle West
James Sallis
Chris Moriarty
Plumage from Pegasus
Off On a Tangent: F&SF Style
Tim Pratt
Kathi Maio
David J. Skal
Lucius Shepard
Gregory Benford
Pat Murphy & Paul Doherty
Jerry Oltion
Current Issue • Departments • Bibliography

2021     Competition #102 "Jeopardy!"
2020     Competition #101 "Synonymous"
  Competition #100 "The Lowest Form of Humor"
2019     Competition #99 "Ignorance Is Bliss"
  Competition #98 "Titles as Acronyms"
2018     Competition #97 "Watered Down"
  Competition #96 "Crime Blotter"
2017     Competition #95 "Titles the Rearrange"
  Competition #94 "#EXPLAINAPLOTBADLY"
2016     Competition #93 "True Names"
  Competition #92 "Updated"
2015     Competition #91 "It's All Relative"
  Competition #90 "Game of Prose"
2014     Competition #89 "Limerick Challenge"
  Competition #88 "Anagram/Raga Man"
2013     Competition #87 "Fan Mail"
  Competition #86 "First Draft"
2012     Competition #85 "Chick Lit"
  Competition #84 "What's in a Name?"
2011     Competition #83 "Tweeted"
  Competition #82 "Lie To Me"
2010     Competition #81 "Reality Show"
  Competition #80 "Pick Me Up"
2009     Competition #79 "Hooked on Mnemonics"
  Competition #78 "The Secret History of F&SF"
2008     Competition #77 "Found In Translation"
  Competition #76 "Childish Things"
2007     Competition #75 "Rewrite-Ku"
  Competition #74 "Adapted?"
2006     Competition #73 "Merge and Converge"
  Competition #72 "Haunted by the Ghostwriter"
2005     Competition #71 "The 2055 Hugo Awards"
  Competition #70 "It was a dark and ion-stormy night.…"
2004     Competition #69 "Pre-Therapy Titles"
  Competition #68 "The Missing Twist"

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