Fantasy and Science Fiction - Competition
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November/December 2014
Book Reviews
Charles de Lint
Elizabeth Hand
Michelle West
James Sallis
Chris Moriarty
Plumage from Pegasus
Off On a Tangent: F&SF Style
Kathi Maio
David J. Skal
Lucius Shepard
Gregory Benford
Pat Murphy & Paul Doherty
Jerry Oltion
Coming Attractions
F&SF Bibliography: 1949-1999
Index of Title, Month and Page sorted by Author

Current Issue • Departments • Bibliography


"Anagram/Raga Man"

IN THIS competition, you were tasked with taking a popular science fiction/fantasy title, rearranging its letters, and creating a synopsis based on both the original and the new title. The results were fabulous—or as we call it now, "usual fob." Thanks to all who rearranged letters for the betterment of humor.

(A shout-out to the many, many, MANY of you who gave me Dune = Nude. It was, um, eye opening.)

Breaking Dawn = Bark, Gnaw, Die
When Edward gets the girl, Jacob takes his revenge by chewing up Edward's shoes, having "accidents" on the rug, and howling at all hours of the night.
—Tara Habenicht
North Ridgeville, OH

Ender's Game = Same Gender
Ender Wiggin, turned down for Battle School, becomes a writer. In adolescence, he has feelings that he can't deal with. He becomes a prominent homophobic author. His repressed homosexuality reveals itself when the title of his first novel is an anagram for "Greased Men."
—Eric Cline
Bowie, MD

Game of Thrones = O, Father's Gone, Ma
The Stark clan struggles with political intrigue in Westeros. SPOILER ALERT: Don't read the title.
—Matthew Leachman
Iowa Park, TX

The Lord of the Flies = The Lord of the Files
In a bureaucratic jungle, office workers must survive after the last coffee pot crashes on the floor. One of them receives a vision from the Lord of the Files who enlightens him with Dilbert comics.
—Samuele Agostinelli
Montreal, Quebec

The Sword in the Stone = The Tones in the Words
Merlin is so frustrated. Whatever he tries, the venerable wizard can't get rude young Arthur to say "Please," "Thank you," or anything else gentlemanly—not to mention kingly. If enchanting him temporarily into a fish hasn't improved his manners, what will?
—Cathy Humble
Portland, OR

Ill Met in Lankhmar = Alarm Hen Kill Mint
Poor Mint. I told him that gem merchants in this smoky city sometimes use watch leopards to guard their wares. But I forgot to tell him about the vicious alarm hens.
—Mike McMahon
Arlington, WA

Blade Runner = Beerland Run (Kevin Hickey)
The Hunger Games = Reggae Then Mush (Steven Jones)
Dune Messiah = Nude Is Shame (Phil Baringer)



Write a limerick based on the plot (or world or character) of an sf/f story. Make it rhyme, make it funny, and make it no more than six entries. Then you too can win a prize. For the love of all that is holy (or unholy. We don't judge), include your snail mail address.
  Example: Robert E. Howard's Conan stories:
    Her bare bosom suddenly fell
    Conan, surprised, said, "Oh hell!
    My sexual power
    Has damaged this flower!"
    (She had really passed out from the smell.)

Note: Please do NOT submit your entry through certified mail. Just…don't.

Send entries to Competition Editor, F&SF, 240 West 73rd St. #1201, New York, NY 10023-2794, or email entries to carol [a-t] cybrid [d-o-t] net. Be sure to include your contact information. Entries must be received by January 15, 2015. Judges are the editors of F&SF, and their decision is final. All entries become the property of F&SF.
First prize will receive a copy of The New Annotated H.P. Lovecraft, edited by Leslie S. Klinger (compliments of Liveright Publishing Corp.). Second prize will receive advance reading copies of three forthcoming novels. Any Honorable Mentions will receive one-year subscriptions to F&SF. Results of Competition 89 will appear in the May/June 2015 issue.

To contact us, send an email to Fantasy & Science Fiction.
If you find any errors, typos or anything else worth mentioning, please send it to

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